- Inconsistency in the Argument against the U.N. Upgrade of Palestine's Status / HIRAYAMA Kentaro
国連総会パレスチナ格上げ…辻褄の合わない反対論/平山 健太郎
December 21, 2012 - The Need to Listen Carefully to the Voice of Okinawa / OGAWA Tadashi
沖縄の声に真摯に耳を傾けよう/小川 忠
December 7, 2012 - The Eyes of the World are on Japan-China Relations / NISHIKAWA Megumi
日中関係に目を凝らす世界/西川 恵
November 27, 2012 - Pursuing Peace and Prosperity with Passion / SHIBUSAWA Ken
パッションを持って平和と繁栄へ/渋澤 健
November 6, 2012 - Divesting the Image of "Inscrutable Japanese" / AGATA Masahiko
「暗黙知の美学」からの脱却のために/縣 正彦
October 30, 2012 - Integration Not the Way for the Japan Foundation and Japan National Tourism Organization / CHINO Keiko
統合が見送られた国際交流基金と国際観光振興機構/千野 境子
September 26, 2012 - Vertical and Horizontal Dimensions of Japan-U.S. Relations / NUMATA Sadaaki
日米の上下および水平関係/沼田 貞昭
September 20, 2012 - Yosano Akiko – What She Brought Back from Paris a Hundred Years Ago / MATSUDAIRA Meiko
与謝野晶子ー100年前のパリ体験/松平 盟子
September 20, 2012 - Japan Should Steer Clear of the Historic Issue in the Territorial Dispute Over Takeshima / NISHIKAWA Megumi
竹島領有権に歴史問題を絡ませてはいけない/西川 恵
September 5, 2012 - Global Economic Turmoil - An Inevitable Outcome Dictated by Logic / ONO Goro
論理的帰結たる世界経済混乱/小野 五郎
August 24, 2012 - The Need to Place Development Aid in the Mainstream of Japanese Policy Making / OKAMURA Kunio
なぜ今、開発援助の主流化が必要なのか?/岡村 邦夫
July 25, 2012 - Debate on “The Young” is for Mass Consumption / WATANABE Yasush
大衆消費財としての「若者論」/渡辺 靖
July 24, 2012 - Teaching Our Children to Become Sociable and Service-Minded / NISHIKAWA Megumi
社交性とサービス精神の教育を/西川 恵
July 24, 2012 - Media Communication comprising "Major," "Shared" and "Care" Communication / KODAMA Miiko Professor
「メジャー・シェア・ケアのメディア・コミュニケーション論」/小玉 美意子
July 19, 2012 - Taking a Sober Approach to the Arab Quest for Democracy / UENO Kagefumi
「覚めた目」で民主化を捉えよ/上野 景文
June 1, 2012 - Genuine Gender Equality and Globalization / ONO Goro
真の男女共同参画そしてグローバリゼーション/小野 五郎
May 17, 2012 - Let Grassroots Exchange be a Source of Vitality for Earthquake Reconstruction / OGAWA Tadashi
市民交流を震災復興の活力源に/小川 忠
April 25, 2012 - The Sorry State of Public Art Policy in Japan / HABU Shuichi
美術館行政のお寒い現状/土生 修一
March 31, 2012 - Japan's Image One Year After 3/11 / NUMATA Sadaaki
3.11後1年の日本のイメージ/沼田 貞昭
March 28, 2012 - Japan’s Approach to Asian Development Merits Renewed Recognition / NISHIKAWA Megumi
日本のアジアへの貢献に改めて評価を/西川 恵
March 28, 2012