Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

Why Japanese Opinion is Against Attacking Iraq
KITAMURA Fumio  / Professor at Shukutoku University

March 17, 2003
Protest movements against a possible U.S.-led military attack on Iraq is spreading across the world at an unprecedented scale. Already, more than one million protesters have taken to the streets in the United Kingdom. In Japan, demonstrations of such proportions have not yet been organized. However, according to an opinion poll conducted by the Asahi Newspaper, one of Japan's most influential national papers, as much as 78% of the Japanese people expressed their opposition to attacking Iraq as advocated by America - roughly five times the 17% who favored an attack. And asked what Japan's response to U.S. military action should be, the poll revealed that 52% felt "Japan should not support" such a move, exceeding by a significant margin the 37% who voiced their support (Asahi Newspaper, February 25). The result of this opinion poll substantiates the strong sense of doubt and concern felt by the majority of Japanese towards the military solution presented by the United States.

Such opposition to military action is by no means an indication of endorsement for actions taken by the Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein. Most Japanese suspect Iraq has violated the series of United Nations resolutions and has continued to develop and possess weapons of mass destruction. There is also a deep-seated distrust against President Hussein for failing to disclose sufficient information during inspections conducted by the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission and the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Why then are most Japanese opposed to the policy pursued by the Bush administration? Two reasons emerge out of the results of various opinion polls. One is that it is questionable whether military attack is the only remaining choice for resolving the Iraqi issue. The protest movement is being sustained by the view that we should refrain from pursuing military solutions that would sacrifice the lives of innocent Iraqi people as long as there is even the slightest hope that Iraq could be forced to destroy its weapons of mass destruction through an expansion in the inspections. Furthermore, even if the Hussein regime is defeated, there is no guarantee that democracy and stability could be brought to Iraq in the aftermath of a military operation. There is quite the opposite possibility that Iraq would be thrown into considerable confusion as a result. Such opposition reasoning is rooted in doubts concerning the effectiveness of military action in resolving issues.

The second reason is the strong antipathy aroused by the possibility of the United States exercising military force without the approval and support of the United Nations. The United States has emerged from the end of the Cold War as the world’s only superpower, and if it neglects to recognize the United Nations, it would inflict considerable damage to the system that maintains international stability. This opposition reasoning against military action is perhaps a sign that many Japanese find the Bush administration’s claim to be lacking justification under international law.

Unilateral military action by the United States, with the accompaniment of a few sympathetic nations, could fundamentally undermine the authority of the United Nations. Foreseeing such unfortunate prospects, the latter reasoning contains an important significance in considering the future of international relations. From a pessimistic standpoint, it could result in destroying confidence in the most important process of decision-making for cultivating peace and reconciliation.

I spent seven years in Middle East countries as an overseas correspondent for Japan's national newspaper. The experience taught me just how great the expectations held by developing nations toward the United Nations are. The superiority demonstrated by developed nations in everything from politics, economics, military force and technology has filled the developing nations with a deep sense of frustration. For those nations that find themselves on the side of the dependent in the unequal reality of international relations, the United Nations represents a precious forum for resisting subordination to the hegemonic power of larger nations. If standards regulating U.N. functions are neglected or ignored, we will see among the developing nations a growing movement that seeks to vent their discontent and anger in avenues other than peaceful negotiations. The expected development under such circumstances would be the emergence of dictators who seek to capture popular sentiment through inflammatory, demagogic words and deeds.

Neglect of the United Nations could also be used by organizations such as Al Qaida as materials for enforcing their logic of self-justification. Such international terrorist organizations seek to simplify the contradictions that exist in today's world into a dualistic conflict characterized as a "conflict between American hegemonic rule and the oppressed," and to brandish the argument that beneath it all lies a clash of civilizations. According to their point of view, peaceful talks through the United Nations are merely a hypocritical device that serves to mask the hidden intentions of the hegemonists. To counter such international organizations of terrorism and conspiracy, international solidarity and cooperation are essential. And bolstering confidence in the United Nations is an obvious precondition to that end.

The writer is a Professor at Shukutoku University and former Senior Editor and London Bureau Chief of the Yomiuri Newspaper.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

北村 文夫 / 淑徳大学教授

2003年 3月 17日







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English Speaking Union of Japan > Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW) > Why Japanese Opinion is Against Attacking Iraq