Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

Sumo Nostalgia
SAKOMIZU Maki / Chairman, Association of Daily Japanese Life and Culture

March 27, 2003
Throughout the post-war period, my husband was chairman of the support group for the Izutsu Beya sumo stable, and I have followed in his footsteps since he passed away, serving as honorary chairman. Having closely associated myself with the world of Sumo for more than half a century, the first thought that comes to mind is that Sumo is indeed a precious cultural heritage which Japan can boast to the world. On the surface, some may consider it no different from any other wrestling sport. However, the way the rikishi (wrestlers) conduct themselves and their spiritual bearings are rooted in Japan’s Shinto faith and are thus very sacred. This sense of sanctity is almost tangible when watching the rikishi in their tight mawashi belts sprinkling salt to purify the dohyo ring before a match. It is a welcome development that in the past few years the number of foreign rikishi has increased, evidencing a growing appreciation of Sumo among non-Japanese youth. At the same time, however, the declining number of Japanese rikishi – despite the fact that it is our national sport – is a lamentable reality for someone like me, who has been a Sumo observer for so many years.

Rikishi must have sturdy legs and loins. In the past, there were many children with strong legs living in regions where roads were underdeveloped. And that was because most of the children had to walk several kilometers to school. Today, parents drive their children to school, and apparently this has made it difficult to find children with legs strong enough to become Sumo wrestlers. The spread of Western-style toilets have also played a part in weakening the legs of Japanese children. Unbelievable as it may seem to those of us in the older generation, many children are unable to use a Japanese-style toilet. With legs so weak that they cannot even squat, children suited to become rikishi are on the decline.

But to me, an even more serious issue is that these days fewer Japanese children want to become a rikishi. True, there are plenty of other entertainment to be found in the affluence in which we live in today. It is not at all surprising that children are not exactly enticed by the prospect of overcoming harsh training to engage in a sport that is physically demanding. Why is it then, that in these same times, baseball and soccer enjoy enormous popularity? I think it is because they have their heroes, such as Ichiro and Matsui Hideki in baseball, Nakata Hidetoshi and Nakamura Shunsuke in soccer, to name a few. And many others have also demonstrated brilliant success overseas. To children, they are all heroes. And dreaming of one day becoming like them, many children undergo strenuous training. Unfortunately, the world of Sumo currently seems to lack such rikishi that children can aspire to. Today, as the popularity of Sumo wanes, allow me to say out of a grandmotherly solicitude that the Sumo Association – which has depended on the popularity of Takanohana alone without cultivating the next generation of heroes – should consider itself partly responsible. I am eager to see a children’s hero appear in the world of Sumo in the nearest future. And hopefully it will be a Japanese rikishi.

The writer, aged 93, is Chairman of Association of Daily Japanese Life and Culture
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

迫水 万亀  / 日本生活文化交流協会 会長

2003年 3月 27日



一般社団法人 日本英語交流連盟