Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

Nuclear North Korea and Japan's National Security – Is Going Nuclear a Viable Option for Japan? -
KURIYAMA Takakazu / Former Japanese Ambassador to U.S

June 12, 2003
The tripartite discussions that took place between the United States, North Korea and China in Beijing this April has been welcomed as the first occasion in which China demonstrated its willingness to seriously address the North Korean nuclear issue. However, we should be mindful of the fact that such a Chinese stance is said to be based on a concern that if North Korea is left to develop its nuclear weapons, there is a possibility that Japan will follow suit. Some commentators on foreign affairs in the United States and Europe apparently share the same concern.

A nuclear North Korea would unmistakably pose a serious threat to Japan's national security. How best to respond to such a threat is an issue that should be taken up not only by the government, but also by the public. However, when it comes to the question of whether nuclear armament should be considered as an option for Japan's national security policy, that is a different matter altogether.

Over the years, successive Japanese governments have maintained its deep commitment to maintaining and strengthening the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty – an international regime for preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons and promoting nuclear disarmament. And this basic policy has the strong popular support of the Japanese people, who seek a world without nuclear weapons based on their experience with Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Therefore, the Japanese government should renounce this commitment only when it would be worth the price in terms of national security, and the government must have a persuasive argument to explain that fact to its people. Is this a realistic possibility?

Japan's decision to go nuclear – its withdrawal from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty – is synonymous with choosing a path of isolation in the international community. Japan's possession of nuclear weapons will surely face vehement opposition from neighboring countries including China and Russia, and the majority of countries in the world, as bringing about the collapse of the nuclear non-proliferation regime. A nuclear Japan would also signify the end of the Japan-U.S. Alliance. The United States will never allow Japan to remain its ally if it possesses its own nuclear capabilities. The Japan-U.S. Security Treaty will subsequently be abolished, and Japan will be left to its own resources in ensuring its security.

Will the choice of taking the path of nuclear armament yield such a benefit to Japan's national security that it would be worth taking risks that are so clear? The only deterrent against the desperate policies of the North Korean regime that feels it has nothing to lose but its own survival is the overwhelming military power - including conventional military capabilities - of the United States, which gives substance to its commitment to defend both Japan and South Korea. It is impossible to substitute such military power with Japan's few nuclear warheads and missiles - whose actual deployment we cannot be certain of.

The right choice for Japan would be to endeavor to enhance the deterrence of the Japan-U.S. Alliance, and cooperate with the United States and South Korea for initiating comprehensive negotiations with North Korea. I would like to discuss my views regarding concrete measures for pursuing this course on a separate occasion.

The writer is Japan's former Ambassador to the United States.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

栗山 尚一 / 元駐米大使

2003年 6月 12日






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English Speaking Union of Japan > Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW) > Nuclear North Korea and Japan's National Security – Is Going Nuclear a Viable Option for Japan? -