Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

Brave New Trends in Japan
KUSAKA Kimindo / Chairman, Tokyo Foundation

January 23, 2004
In the past year, the changes in the mind-set of the Japanese people have become more apparent.

Firstly, there has been a revival of what one might call the collective spirit. It has long been the case in Japan that "loss of collective spirit" takes place only to be rapidly followed by its recovery. There is no longer public support for arguments that are not founded on such a sense of community. This has led to a change in the opinion of the media. Foreign observers have also taken notice of the shift in Japanese sentiment, and some countries are tempering their handling of Japan accordingly. They are more keenly aware than the Japanese of the fact that Japan is a force to be reckoned with when it makes a unified stand. Those outside Japan have dubbed this general trend as "the revival of Japanese nationalism."

Secondly, Japanese individuals are starting to express their own opinions in their own words. That the Liberal Democratic Party chose its General-Secretary Abe as its face for the election campaign is a reflection on the recent value placed on such individuals. The ability to form and voice one's own views has especially been in demand in the younger generation. In university entrance exams, for example, there has been a marked decline in requests to directly translate into English a given Japanese text. "Discuss the pros and cons of extracurricular activity," has instead come to typify the sort of tasks assigned. The content of the message has become the foremost concern.

Thirdly, the Japanese now check matters in terms of Japanese reality. The Japanese have come to realize that the field of American economics is only borne out of past American economic history, and is therefore not applicable to contemporary Japan. As they do so, the popularity of the books on business and economics has been on the wane. Financial columns, written by newspaper journalists who have entered their profession as specialists in American economics, have also lost their readership. Books on Japanese warrior ethics (bushi-doh) and those written by Jewish authors, on the other hand, crowd the bookstore.

Discussions about decentralization currently abound. When decentralization is realized, municipalities must first attract industry, and subsequently wean themselves from the central government through local taxation. In such a situation, good reference points for the local officials will not be economics or public finance. Rather, what will be useful for them are Jewish moral fibre for the promotion of industry and warrior ethics for the smooth operation of collecting taxes. Decentralization begins with examinations into Jewish and warrior ethics. What has wrought such transformations in the inclinations of the Japanese people of the sort that have been described above?

It is said that the Japanese economy has been stagnant for the past decade. The time of economic stagnation, however, is also the time of cultural innovation. The end of cultural innovation heralds the start of cultural propagation, and Japan will again usher in an age of economic prosperity. This past year was just such a time of transition.

Military power and terrorism depict the 21st century. But it is also an era of economy and culture, two areas in which Japan excels.

The excellence of the Japanese economy is in large part due to its work ethic. It is also largely due to the sense of community held by the Japanese society. Since a thousand years ago, Japan has had the notion that "to work is for everyone to work for the benefit of everyone." One could explain that to work--hataraku--is to ease (raku) those who surround you (hata).

The excellence of Japanese culture stems from the lack of invasion by a foreign state and the absence of any ideology that have been forced down its throat. Japan has been able to absorb and process to its heart's content only what has been of its own choosing. Its culture has been at liberty to develop through a creative and innovative course. The lack of religious restraint and the resultant sense of freedom in Japanese paintings astounded the French impressionist painters.

The Japanese people, while making free use of its world-class economic and cultural power, are capable to influence the world. For instance, Japanese housewives' unwillingness to purchase below-par products shapes the industry of those countries from which Japan imports these products. Japanese comics and animations have a global audience. Foreign children who have grown up on Pikachu will carry the critter's influence to the traditional cultures of their respective countries.

The Japanese government, however, has no intention to employ its economic and cultural power as a strategic means. Japan annually exports good and services worth \53 trillion and imports goods and services worth \43 trillion. Such a situation could be converted into power of influence in Japan's favor. What it does in fact is to cling to the old premise that "the Japan is powerless in the global arena," and continue to eagerly act as a mouthpiece for foreign pressure. The government trails behind the changes that have been taking place in the minds of the Japanese people. The kind of structural reforms that the Japanese general public now requires of its government is:
1) To protect the benefits of the community (Increased awareness of national interest).
2) Not to think in terms of bureaucratic terminology.
3) To take a realistic and practical approach rather than an idealistic one.

The writer is an economist and the Chairman of the Tokyo Foundation. He contributed this comment to the third issue of the Tokyo Foundation's periodical for policy research, ”Nihonjin-no chikara”.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

日下公人 / 東京財団会長

2004年 1月 23日


第二に、一人一人が自分の言葉でしゃべり、発信するようになった。 自分の言葉でしゃべる人が評価されるようになったので、自民党では安倍幹事長を選挙の顔にした。若者の世界ではだいぶ前から発信力が問われていて、例えば、大学入試の和文英訳では「以下の日本文を英文に翻訳せよ」というタイプの出題は激減し、「クラブ活動のメリット、デメリットを英語で述べよ」というタイプが主流である。先ず何を言いたいかが問われる。










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