Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

Changing Our Constitution Step by Step
HANABUSA Masamichi / Former Japanese Ambassador to Italy

February 4, 2004
To the surprise of many observers, Mr. Kan, President of the Democratic Party(DP) clearly indicated his party's policy intention to revise Japan's present Constitution, albeit "gradually", at the party's annual convention held in January. Thus the movement towards the revision of our Constitution, enforced in 1947 under the American occupation, has been given a decisive impetus. The Constitutional Research Councils of both Houses of the Japanese Diet are to issue their final reports early next year at the latest, finalizing their research activities begun in 2000. For the first time since its promulgation nearly 60 years ago, it appears that a real chance has emerged for Japan to change its Constitution.

At this critical juncture, we wish the two major political parties in Japan, the Liberal Democratic Party(LDP) and the DP good speed and fair play. Forthright they are faced with a test of their will and conduct on the following three points.

Most importantly, the two parties should refrain from making this issue a partisan one, thus unnecessarily politicizing it.

Secondly, they should make an utmost effort to converge their views on how to realize the necessary constitutional changes. It appears that the LDP will opt for a wholesale revision in time for the Party's 50th Anniversary in 2005, whereas the DP favors a step by step revision starting from where national consensus is within easy reach. This difference in approach is serious and needs to be overcome. We must see to it that the ardor and vigor for change will not be debilitated, bogged down by futile confrontations among the various partisan proposals.

Thirdly, if the two parties are able to thrash out their differences with regard to how to proceed, it is strongly desired that the legislative effort for constitutional change be moved to an appropriate organ within the Diet and discussions be held at the national, not partisan, level.

I think that a wholesale revision of the Constitution, not to speak of the adoption of a brand new Constitution, is, for all intents and purposes, impractical and extremely difficult to accomplish. It is too naive to believe that such a drastic revision is possible, simply because recent opinion polls indicate that the majority of the Japanese people now favors Constitutional revision.

Each voter, who will ultimately participate in the national referendum, has his or her predilection about the desired changes. To our knowledge there has not yet been undertaken any reliable public opinion polls as to where change is desired by the people. It is more likely that a consensus will emerge only gradually, as a result of the forthcoming deliberations on specific provisions.

If all the Constitutional provisions are to be subject to simultaneous change, it is feared that a situation may arise where the discussion becomes so broad and diffused that any convergence of views is hardly expected. Because the revision of any Article in the Constitution will inevitably entail corresponding changes in related laws and congruity in the legal system must also be maintained.

With regard to Article 9, for example, the simple deletion of the controversial second clause will not represent the consensus among differing opinions. Given that pacifism is widely-held throughout the nation, common sense tells us that the deletion of the clause must be accompanied by an enactment of laws which clearly set the limits to the use of Japan's military forces abroad. This issue alone would invite tremendous national debate. Other major points to be discussed, such as local autonomy, the Judiciary system and Legislative reform, would require concomitant changes of related laws and regulations, too. Realizing a wholesale revision of the Constitution would require such enormous energy the magnitude of which would be enough to create a new nation. Revolutionary energy that enables us to start from square one only exists at such extraordinary periods as the Meiji Restoration or the defeat in the war. During peaceful times like now, if we insist on the wholesale revision of the Constitution, we would be opening a Pandora's Box; it is feared that our efforts will become confused and frustrated, achieving no progress on any point in the end.

If we are truly earnest about improving our present Constitution, we had better start with a few of the most urgent issues and issues where national consensus may be easily obtained. Efforts could be continued with regard to the remaining issues, by clarifying problems and cultivating the ground on which national consensus may be obtained over time. We can further improve our Constitution step by step, as such efforts bear fruit and a consensus emerges. In fact almost all nations with written constitutions, including he United States, Germany and Italy have been revising their constitution in this manner.

Le me reiterate that the most crucial issue on which the two major parties urgently need to agree is whether the revision should be wholesale or step by step. The writer is concerned that the efforts for Constitutional revision will in all probability fail, unless a gradual approach is adopted. In this sense, a greater responsibility rests with the LDP; its leaders must accept that their insistence on wholesale revision will in all likelihood fail against their will and expectations.

The writer is a former Ambassador and the author of a book arguing for the revision of the Preamble of the present Constitution.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

英 正道 / 元駐イタリア大使

2004年 2月 4日










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English Speaking Union of Japan > Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW) > Changing Our Constitution Step by Step