Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

Proliferating Terrorist Activities by the Iraq War
KITAMURA Fumio / Journalist

February 24, 2004
Almost a year has passed since the outbreak of the Iraq war on March 20 last year. The American military attack using computer-guided weapons demolished the Iraqi regular army in only three weeks. Saddam Hussein, the former Iraqi president on the run, was also captured last December.

Despite America's overwhelming military victory, conditions in Iraq are far from "stabilised and democratised", as was promised by President Bush. There has been a spate of surprise attacks and terrorism against the American forces and their collaborators, and the death toll of American soldiers since the start of the war has reached almost 500. According to the 'Iraq Body Count', a research group composed mainly of peace activists in the U.S. and U.K, the war and concomitant terrorist activities have claimed the lives of roughly 10,000 Iraqi civilians. The current Iraqi society is awash with both confusion and danger. Out of such a chaotic state has arisen a situation that should be of great concern to us. That is, various international terrorist organizations now find in Iraq a convenient ground for their clandestine activities. The development is what a number of Japanese Middle Eastern specialists have warned us of even from before the start of the war.

The American government seems to have expected that the Iraqi people earnestly longed for the collapse of Saddam's repressive regime by the American forces and that the American invasion would be welcomed as the arrival of a saviour. If the Bush administration naively believed in such possibilities and did not objectively seek to verify them, then it must be said that the American administration was a prisoner of wishful thinking or otherwise was plagued with the kind of anti-intellectual tendency that circumvents reasoned judgement.

As President Bush repeated in the State of the Union Message this January, the cause for the war in Iraq was to "have a showdown with the regimes that support terrorism and supply them with nuclear, chemical or biological weapons." Iraq under Saddam's rule was under suspicion of developing and possessing weapons of mass destruction, and was labelled as a terrorist nation capable of providing such weapons to terrorists. The war to topple Saddam's regime in Iraq was explained as a "just war" to eliminate an "evil" being.

In hindsight this recognition was far from the actual state of Iraq before the war. It is true that up to a certain point in time, Saddam's regime aimed for the development and possession of WMD. But there is no evidence that the regime made efforts to support international terrorist groups such as al Qaeda. On the contrary, the regime had resolutely sought to keep out the infiltration of such organizations into Iraq. The irony is that elements of terrorist organizations began to easily enter Iraq and attack the U.S. forces and its allies only after the collapse of the regime.

The reason why, before the start of the war, so many Middle Eastern specialists had misgivings about the aftermaths of attacking Iraq, was because they knew the folly of antagonizing both the so-called "terrorist-supporting regime" and terrorist organizations on the same level. What has transpired in Afghanistan illustrates the lack of correlation between the breakdown of a terrorist-supporting regime (the Taliban regime) and the eradication of terrorist organizations. What post-war Iraq has also shown is that the power vacuum caused by the collapse of the Iraq regular army has fortuitously given terrorist organizations a good stage where to undertake their activities. The horrific bloodsheds entailing in these two countries indicate that the war against an existing regime and the fight to eliminate terrorist organizations must not be confused but be handled in different manners. The vortex into which the American forces have been dragged in Iraq was not a symmetrical war between states but an asymmetrical war that pitted state against underground forces that do not answer to government rule or control.

The current international terrorist organizations also differ from anti-government resistance movements of the past. Mao Tse-tung's Chinese Communist Party or the South Vietnamese Liberation Front attached the central importance to guerrilla warfare supported by the people in their respective strategy for struggle. Their guerrilla tactics were intended to expand "liberated areas." By enlarging liberated areas, they in the end suceeded to achieve their final goal of the establishment of national sovereignty. Al Qaeda, on the contrary, do not wish for the domination over region such as the securement of "liberated areas." Much less have its sights set on the establishment of its own government. From the viewpoint of political struggle for power, they do not have any particular objective. In the final analysis their murderous and destructive pursuits would amount to nothing but a bid to give vent to their deep sense of revulsion and to breed terror amongst their adversaries. It would have been against this backdrop that a regional specialist termed 9-11 terrorist attacks as "punitive terrorism."

Needless to say, the cool-headed analysis of why international terrorism occurs is not to underscore sentimental sympathy for terrorists' motivations but to mark the badly-needed first step to construct effective countermeasures against terrorism. President Bush's appeal "not to give in to terrorism" itself would earn sympathy from the international community at large, if we set aside the question of appropriateness of the context in which this appeal was made. Rehashed criticism of the Bush Administration's judgement to forcibly attack Iraq would not help a bit in resolving the present plight in Iraq. "There is no use crying over spilt milk" would be the maxim fittest for the current situation in Iraq.

At present international action for solidarity against terrorism is most urgently called for. Above anything else, this solidarity action must be sympathized and supported by the Iraqi people. A sine qua non for such an international solidarity action would be its legitimacy. Aside from the right of self-defense, the only vehicle under today's international order that can provide legitimate grounds for military intervention is the United Nations. Thus the governing structure made under the Anglo-American guidance in Iraq must promptly be relinquished to the U.N.

In retrospect, the Bush Administration plunged into the war in disregard of opposition from the majority of the U.N. members. This has led to the prevalent view among the Iraqi people that the Americans are occupiers. As the result, unfortunately, terrorists' call for arms against the American forces has so much been bolstered.

Cynicism against U.N. impotence is on the increase in America and its allies. The most of the developing nations, however, still look strongly to the United Nations as these countries are obliged to accept subjugation by and dependence on advanced nations in political, military, economic, technological and other fields. For these nations, the U.N. provides the best platform where they can voice their views. If the U.S. wishes to strengthen international solidarity for the reconstruction of Iraq and for suppression of terrorism, America must take the functions of the U.N. more seriously and participate in the multinational consultations in the U.N. What is indispensable for the fight against terrorism is not unilateralism by a single nation but international solidarity.

The writer is a former professor at Shukutoku University. He is also the former Senior Editor and the London Bureau Chief of the Yomiuri Newspaper.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

北村文夫 / ジャーナリスト

2004年 2月 24日











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English Speaking Union of Japan > Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW) > Proliferating Terrorist Activities by the Iraq War