Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

Safety Versus Efficiency
ONO Goro / Professor at Saitama University

March 25, 2004
Following the outbreak of the Mad Cow Disease (BSE, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) in the United States, the Japanese government banned imports of American beef. The U.S. government in turn has been demanding that Japan lift the ban, claiming its decision "lacks any scientific basis."

However, whenever the U.S. government uses terms like "fair" or "scientific" under similar circumstances, it is usually only an expression of what is "convenient for America. And it goes without saying that what is "convenient" for America isn't necessarily "fair" or "scientific" in nature.

With regard to the whaling controversy, America has unilaterally criticized Japan while refusing to lend its ear to the conclusions made by the Scientific Committee of the IWC (International Whaling Commission). That the same country is now demanding a "scientific" response from the Japanese government on the BSE issue strikes one as being nothing but "unfair."

Return to the basics and we find that scientifically speaking there is no such thing as a 100% guarantee of safety in this world. We would be unable to take action if we sought 100% safety. And for this reason, we have come to ignore a certain percentage of risk in proportion to the dangers involved in any undertaking. In that sense, the American method of presenting exhaustive numbers - while seemingly "scientific" at first glance - is simply a subjective product of calculations based on the size of the danger and the probability of its occurrence, and is by no means an objective explanation that satisfies all.

Incidentally, since Americans generally value efficiency over safety and the Japanese vice versa, numerical requirements are often more stringent in Japan than in America. However, this is based purely on the preferences of the Japanese people, and the U.S. government is in no position to cast aspersions. Furthermore, it could even be said that in matters concerning the health of its nationals and the survival of the human race, the Japanese are more in the right in placing a premium on safety.

The same can be said about the current BSE issue, which the U.S. government claims is "safe from a scientific perspective." It is true that since there is no such thing as 100% safety, we must devise a compromise figure of some sort. Even so, strict standards must nevertheless be applied to such figures, considering that it is a life-and-death issue.

And in the first place, it is highly doubtful that American efficiency is truly efficient over the long term when dealing with issues such as this. This is apparent from Japan's experience of having suffered from industrial pollution - countermeasures implemented after the fact against serious pollution incidents cost between five to a hundred times more than preventive measures implemented in advance.

Furthermore, the burden of proof related to safety issues lies not with the side contending the dangers but instead with the side contending safety. For that reason, advance safety checks such as animal experiments are obligated for pharmaceutical products. In any event, the U.S. government has been avoiding the burden of proof even in more pressing issues for mankind such as global warming, by consistently maintaining its stance of ignoring the Kyoto Protocol.

The U.S. government is apparently pursuing a similar stance in the BSE issue. In other words, it seems to be using the word "scientific" in a way that could even be described as "unscientific," to guide the issue towards a direction "convenient" for its domestic livestock farmers. Thus America has been unable to win the confidence of people in other countries, and deservedly so.

At this point, the only "scientific" action left to the U.S. government, rather than engaging in futile discussions of probability, is to undertake a thorough follow-up inspection of all cattle imported from Canada around the same time and conduct tests on export-bound beef. Unless America builds up such low-key actions without being entrenched in hegemonic thinking, it will fail to escape a situation that is truly unfortunate for mankind as a whole, in which the sole global superpower continues to be mistrusted by the rest of the world.

The writer is Professor at Saitama University
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

小野五郎  / 埼玉大学教授

2004年 3月 25日










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