Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

The "Road Map" and the "Ariel" Connection
HIRAYAMA Kentaro / Former NHK Commentator

April 2, 2004
"Ariel" is the satellite moon of Uranus, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica. And in association, it is also the name of a series of six scientific satellites launched by the British using American rockets during the 1970s, and the name of a spirit that appears in Shakespeare's "The Tempest" and Milton's "Paradise Lost." According to the Larousse encyclopedia, which also yielded the entry I was looking for. "Ariel" is also a Hebrew word used: "(1) to describe the altar of the holocausts in the temple of Jerusalem; (2) as a symbolic name for Jerusalem and (3) as a personal name. In rabbinic literature it is the name of a spirit in the air sometimes benevolent and sometimes malicious." In this context, "holocaust" is used in its original meaning, as the sacrificial roast lamb offered to god.

The reason why I sought the origin of the word "Ariel" was because it is also the name of a large Jewish settlement located in the northern region of the West Bank of the River Jordan, at the center of a locality the Israelis call Samaria. During the Camp David talks of July 2000 in which former U.S. President Clinton failed to mediate between the Israeli and Palestinian sides, the Israeli government of Prime Minister Barak was adamant about retaining that particular settlement. The current Israeli government is building a "separation fence" in the pretext of preventing terrorism, far beyond the ceasefire line preceding the 1967 war and deep into the West Bank territories it occupies, in a pattern that resembles the outstretched fingers of a hand. And at the tip of that finger lies Ariel. In other words, the settlement at Ariel is serving as the traction engine pulling the far end of the "separation fence" to the east of the ceasefire line, expanding Israeli-occupied territory.

In June 2003, the U.S. Bush administration presented a guideline for Middle East peace known as the "Road Map" in concert with the European Union, Russia and the United Nations. The crux of this "Road Map" lies in ending the Israeli occupation that occurred as a consequence of the 1967 war and establishing by next year an independent Palestinian state with a contiguous territory, and as such, the Bush administration has criticized the location of the "separation fence" as reversing this agenda.

Although it is difficult to expect the U.S. government to actively intervene in the Palestinian issue for the time being with presidential elections coming up in November, regardless of whether President Bush will be re-elected or not, the scope and form of Israel's handover of occupied territory will undoubtedly emerge as a focal issue of the peace process in the not so distant future.

Israel's Prime Minister Sharon has declared a policy of unilaterally retreating from most settlements in Gaza in case negotiations with the Palestinian side are not concluded within the next few months, but there is strong concern on the part of the Palestinians that settlers retreating under this plan will be transferred to the West Bank. Ariel will attract attention in that sense as well, for its strategic significance as an Israeli bridgehead driven deep into the West Bank.

"Ariel" also happens to be Prime Minister Sharon's first name. We will have to wait and see whether he will be remembered by history as a spirit of good or bad, while the naming of this settlement - "an altar to the holocaust" - likewise is pregnant with meaning when one second-guesses Israeli intentions.

Today, amid signs of al-Qaeda's involvement in the simultaneous terrorist attacks on trains in Madrid - the very place where a Middle East peace conference took place on the initiative of U.S. President Bush (senior) and Soviet leader Gorbachev following the Gulf War in October 1991 - let us also turn our watchful eye on "Ariel."

The writer is a former NHK commentator.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

平山 健太郎 / 元NHK解説委員

2004年 4月 2日

「アリエル」という言葉の由来を探し回った理由は、それが、ヨルダン川西岸(West Bank)北部、イスラエル側の呼称では「サマリア」の中央に位置する巨大なユダヤ人入植地の名であるからだ。クリントン前大統領の調停が失敗に終わった2000年7月のキャンプ・デビッド交渉でもイスラエル(バワク政権)は、その保持に強くこだわっていた。またシャロン政権が現在建造を進めている「テロ防止用」の「分離壁」(separation fence)が、1967年戦争以前の休戦ラインを大きく越え、手の指を広げたような形で西岸占領地の奥深く入り込んでいるが、その指の先端がほかならぬアリエルである。つまりアリエルが「分離壁」の位置を休戦ラインから東に引きずり、イスラエルの支配地域を広げる牽引車の役割を果たしている。




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English Speaking Union of Japan > Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW) > The "Road Map" and the "Ariel" Connection