Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

Goodbye, Ambassador Baker
KITAMURA Fumio  / Journalist

January 31, 2005
The image of ambassador has changed greatly. Until the mid-20th century, ambassadors were said "dwellers among the clouds" --Japanese phrase for the nobility. This metaphor showed how ordinary people thought about the noble. To the commoners busy with their daily work, the privileged class people seemed to live in a fancy wonderland.

In the masterpiece film My Fair Lady, the climax is the grand Embassy Ball in all its glory and splendor, where only aristocrats, generals and renowned academics or artists are invited. It was her dazzling debut to the ball that marked the transformation of the flower girl Eliza Doolittle from the ground-dweller to the dweller among the clouds. The story tempted viewers to catch a glimpse of the romantic court life painted in the ancient picture scroll. Today, it seems nothing but fairy tale far removed from reality.

The arrival of the jet age and the rapidly-advancing Information Technology have changed the style of diplomatic negotiations. Even when presidents and prime ministers fly across continents to hold summit meetings, it doesn't necessarily make the banner headlines. The diplomatic negotiation process, once considered somewhat mysterious ritual, now has to be made open as much as possible in order to win public support. It looks like that ambassadors have descended from the clouds down onto the ground.

For all that, still an ambassador's words sometimes change the course of international relations. The ambassador's important responsibility was vividly illustrated by the meeting between the Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and the U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, April Glapsie, on July 25, 1990. Saddam talked at length about Iraq's dispute with Kuwait. Ambassador Glaspie responded by saying the United States "has no opinion on inter-Arab disputes such as your border dispute with Kuwait". It is now generally accepted that Saddam took her words as a go-signal to his plan to invade Kuwait. The Iraqi army marched across the border into Kuwait a week later on August 2.

It must be rare for such a tragic misunderstanding to occur in diplomatic talks, but the incident shows even in this age of technological innovations and the growing influence of mass media the ambassador's acts could affect the trend of international relationships.

In my opinion, it is necessary to recognize the difficult task of ambassadors before critically evaluating their works. They are entrusted with two seemingly contradictory missions. One is to transmit the home country's views to the host country. Since ambassadors represent their countries, it is a matter of course that they have to act as spokespersons for their governments' interests. The other is to let their own governments be better informed about the assigned country's political, economic and social conditions as well as public sentiments. So the ideal type of ambassador is one to play the role of a bridge between countries by balancing those two functions. This is easier said than done. The ambassadors sometimes have to reason with their governments which send them a barrage of impatient instructions. How close the ambassadors can approach the ideal type depends on the ability and insight of the individual ambassador.

The U.S. Ambassador to Japan Mr. Howard Baker, who is leaving as the Bush administration starts its second term, has been admired by many people in Japan. This is because he managed skillfully to maintain the balance between two functions. According to media reports, he has sent frank advice, or sometimes rebuttals, to Washington in the course of his term. Mr. Baker himself recently recounted one episode in his talk at Japan National Press Club. Soon after his arrival in Tokyo in 2001, Washington sent him one order after another to take a tough stance with Japanese government and to demand the quick cleanup of non-performing loans. But Mr. Baker persuaded policy makers in Washington by telling them "The Japanese have their own way of solving this problem. It's better to let them do it their way". As Mr. Baker told reporters this episode at his farewell press conference, he beamed and said "And now I have been proven right".

A U.S. ambassador to Japan in the early 1990's was well known for using highhanded approach to force the American views on Japan. He often went over the heads of the usual diplomatic route and resorted to the tactic of meeting directly with Secretary-General of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, who was reputed as an arrogant politician with clenched fists. The Japanese media gave this ambassador the nickname "Mr. Outside Pressure" which hinted at the bitter sense of resentment Japanese people then felt toward the United States. By contrast Mr. Baker has been referred to as "The Big-Time Ambassador". It reflects the sense of respect for people who are both broad-minded and highly influential.

A maxim goes "International relations boils down to personal relationship". Mr. Baker demonstrated the truth of this saying by his wards and actions. We appreciate his patient accommodation with Japanese way of doing things, which sometimes seems peculiar for American eyes.
Sayonara Baker-san. You will be missed.

The writer is a former Professor of Shukutoku University and former Senior Editor and London Bureau Chief of the Yomiuri Shimbun.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

北村文夫 / ジャーナリスト

2005年 1月 31日









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