Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

The Two-State Solution and Netanyahu's Intransigence
HIRAYAMA Kentaro / Journalist

February 16, 2016
Twenty years ago in 1996, Benjamin Netanyahu became prime minister of Israel for the first time. Since then, his rule has been punctuated by respective administrations led by Ehud Barak, Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert. But in terms of the total number of years in power, Netanyahu has a clear lead over the others with more than ten years, and is approaching the fourteen year record held by Ben-Gurion, the first prime minister of Israel.

In 1995, a year before the Netanyahu government was formed, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by a far-right Israeli youth who criticized as "betrayal" to the motherland the various concessions made to the Palestinian side following the Oslo Accords. Having succeeded Rabin as leader of the Labour Party, Shimon Peres hesitated over holding early elections despite predictions of an easy victory on the back of overwhelming voter sympathy towards the late prime minister. In the meantime, events including a series of suicide bus bombings by Palestinian extremists affiliated with Hamas turned the tide of public opinion, and Netanyahu beat Peres by a slim margin at the polls.

In recent years, each of the Israeli prime ministers listed above has at least shown some gesture towards advancing the peace talks. Barak proposed dividing the Old City of Jerusalem between Israel and Palestine. Sharon implemented a unilateral withdrawal from Gaza and promised to accommodate a Palestinian state that could coexist with Israel. Olmert proposed what amounted to a full-scale withdrawal from the West Bank of the Jordan River occupied by Israel. However, there is nothing on Netanyahu's track record in this regard. He has limited himself to occasionally declaring a "return to talks without preconditions" while quietly proceeding to seize Palestinian land and expand Jewish settlements, thus raising the hurdle for the creation of a self-sustainable Palestinian state as proposed under a UN Security Council Resolution.

The massive influx of immigrants from the former Soviet Union has led to a rightward shift among Israeli voters, as leftists and moderate liberals have dwindled in number with the falling birthrate. Meanwhile, the construction of a "fence" around the occupied territories has dramatically reduced suicide bombing attacks on Israeli land, heightening the sense of security. These factors have combined to erode public interest in a political settlement involving territorial concessions. It is easy to find fault with the weakness of the Palestinian National Authority, which must seek support from the Israeli army and police to fight infiltration by Islamic extremists such as al-Qaeda and Islamic State (IS) in the West Bank. But no less important is the declining influence and pressure exercised by the US administration of President Barack Obama. There was no mention of the Palestinian issue in his State of the Union speech at the start of 2016.

Having lived in the United States for many years, Netanyahu is eloquent in English and is masterful at playing the media. With American voters, he is fond of using the killer phrase of an "existential threat" against Israel, or the Jewish people. In addition to warning that missiles will start falling on Tel-Aviv Ben Gurion International Airport if any part of the West Bank is annexed to Palestine, another one of his favorite ploys is to seize every opportunity to stress the threat posed by Iran.

The United Nations and the international community have been exploring ways to bring peace to the Middle East and the Persian Gulf by convincing Iran to give up its attempt at nuclear armament, countering IS to end civil strife in Syria and Iraq, and easing the conflict between Shi'ite and Sunni factions that revolve around Iran and Saudi Arabia. How can Netanyahu be so cynical about such efforts? Even as various sanctions against Iran are being lifted following the conclusion of the nuclear talks, the Netanyahu government has not stopped deriding such a conciliatory policy and has vowed to continue demanding a reversal of the policy.

As for Israel's relationship with Palestine, Prime Minister Netanyahu's anti-Palestinian feelings seem to be rooted in his "historical perception" about the Holocaust. For instance, in a speech to the World Zionist Congress last fall, he claimed that Palestinians were the ones who convinced Hitler of the necessity to exterminate the Jews. Iran's return to the international community and the US presidential election, among other developments, are expected to introduce greater volatility to the situation in the coming years. Will Netanyahu change his words and deeds accordingly, or will he not?

As a Japanese journalist with a keen interest in the long-term stability of the Middle East region based on the creation of a Palestinian state and the "two-state" solution of coexistence between Israel and Palestine, I am hanging my hopes on the good sense that is undoubtedly held by most citizens of Israel and by Jewish people outside Israel, particularly those living in the United States .

Kentaro Hirayama is former NHK Executive Commentator.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

平山健太郎 / ジャーナリスト

2016年 2月 16日








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English Speaking Union of Japan > Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW) > The Two-State Solution and Netanyahu's Intransigence