Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

Asia is in need of Visionaries
HANABUSA Masamichi  / Chairman of the English-Speaking Union of Japan

January 19, 2001
Asia, roughly extending from Afghanistan to Fiji, entered the new century with its destiny in its own hands for the first time in modern history. Asia is not one: the region is marked by greater diversity than any other region. The root of Asian lack of centrifugal momentum lies in the fact that the Asian constellation is still young: stars are rising and growing at different speeds. It will take some time before there emerges a certain level of equilibrium of power among various Asian actors including Japan, China and India.

The most important factor to be pondered by Asian leaders is whether the world will be "universalized", with the United Nations playing the central role, or will, for the foreseeable future, be split into regions, such as the EU and others. If the trend is for the US to curtail its involvement in minor or local conflicts, which seems likely at the moment, and if the United Nations fails to keep the peace, which is also likely, many conflicts will be left to fester in the region, worsening the atmosphere in adjacent areas.

Asia is full of flash points such as the Korean Peninsula, the Taiwan Straits, Kashmir, and East Timor. As in Africa and the Middle East, Asian national borders were arbitrarily delineated reflecting the rivalries among Western powers. Ethnicity, religion and cultural affinity transcend borders. One Asian country's ethnic or cultural minority may be the majority in another country. Many Asian nations suffer from internal turmoil due to various internal differences. Even in island nations like Sri Lanka and Indonesia, such internal disputes are beyond the control of the central government. In fact, following the end of World War II, most of the major wars have been fought in Asia. Under present circumstances, there is no assurance that Asian nations, with the resources at hand increasing steadily, can continue to refrain from the temptation to use force.

Given the regionalizing tendencies in the world and the momentous potential for discord in the region, it is obvious that Asian nations must make greater efforts to solve the problems in their own region with their common interests in mind. Asia must grow used to taming differences by itself. Over time, such efforts may develop into some form of an effective regional mechanism for dialogue and conflict resolution. One of the few tentative attempts at Asian solidarity is the Asean Regional Forum(ARF), but its scope is very limited, and it even lacks strong political support from the nations of the region.

If life is to be breathed into these initial efforts for regional collaboration, and if Asia is not to remain reliant on outside power for the resolution of its affairs, surely Asia is in need of new ways of thinking.

This new thinking must be free of all vestiges of colonialism and old stereo-typical nonsense, and also go beyond national interests. It must also be based on values applicable not only to Asia but also to the rest of the world. New thinking is not the monopoly of politicians; rather, it requires the visionary capability of dreamers. At the beginning of the 21st century, Asia is clearly in need of great activist thinkers who can also dream, such as Jean Monnet or Simon Bolivar.

Jealously guarding newly acquired political independence and eager to forge ahead as viable economies, most Asian nations have been looking inward. Following the virtual demise of the non-aligned movement, an inspiring solidarity movement among outsiders, Asia remains deprived of any common ideals or lofty political philosophy. Great Asian leaders such as Chou-enlai, Nehru, and Sukarno have all passed away.

Japan has not been able to play a leadership role because memories of World War II linger. At times during the past two decades, China, by throwing cold water from the past, has successfully dampened Japanese disposition for initiatives; so-called "historical perception" has served as a magic word to freeze Japan. At present, even Japan is growing inward-looking because of the decade-long recession.

The dawn of a new century is a good moment for all of us in Asia to reflect on the past and look toward the future. It is a rare opportunity in the midst of our busy daily lives to weigh the future against the past. If the past recedes in favor of the future in most of Asia, hopefully bygones can be let bygones in Asia. Then it would become possible for great Asian visionaries, may they come from Japan, China, India or other Asian countries, to sow the seeds of future Asian solidarity.

The writer is a former Ambassador to Italy and Chairman of the English-Speaking Union of Japan.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

アジアは 夢を描ける指導者を必要としている
英 正道  / 日本英語交流連盟会長

2001年 1月 19日






これまでアジア諸国は、新たに獲得した独立を確かなものとし、経済的な自立を達成するために、その目は内に向けられていた。局外諸国の連帯の運動であった非同盟運動が事実上消滅した現在、アジアには共通の理想や高邁な政治哲学は無くなったままである。周恩来、ネール、スカルノ等の偉大なアジアの指導者は皆この世を去ってしまった。 その間にあって、長引く戦争の記憶のために日本は指導力を発揮できなかった。特にこの20年間中国は、折りに触れ過去からの冷水を浴びせたので、その結果日本は何らかのイニシャティヴを出す気持ちになれなかった。。いわゆる「歴史認識」の語は、日本を動かせなくする魔法の言葉の役割を果たしてきた。現在その日本も10年続く景気不振のために内向きになっている。  


一般社団法人 日本英語交流連盟