Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

"Apologies" press conferences
KODAMA Miiko / Professor, Musashi University

February 20, 2008
A familiar sight on Japanese television in 2007 was what had become known as an "apologies" press conference. There they were, the CEO and other members of the board of the company in question, standing in a row right across the television screen, all bowing together as if on cue, and saying, "We are sorry." I have never come across scenes like that on television overseas, and I don’t think it was so common in Japan before either. Why do we see images like this so much nowadays?

This phenomenon is not unrelated to the development of the media society. In the 1990s many media started descending en masse on a particular target to cover a specific incident; this was criticized as "overheated media scrum." So in exchange for restraining themselves from individually approaching the people concerned, the media started demanding that these people hold a press conference. That is one explanation. However, why do these people have to apologize at the press conference? It may be meaningful for them to apologize directly to those they have wronged, but what is the point of apologizing to a row of television cameras? That is what I couldn't help wondering, but apparently, there is good reason for doing this.

Various incidents become real "cases" only when they are reported by the media. If the media does not know about it, even a serious issue does not develop into a case. Therefore, what is the problem is the fact that the issue has become known to the media and has thus caused a sensation. That is why those people apologize in front of the media rather than to the people they wronged.

Last year was the year in which many cases of falsification were exposed. What was labeled as beef contained other meat, products were re-labeled with extended use-by dates, products were falsely labeled as produce from traditional production sites, and other cases of falsification related to food came to light. In the world of sport, too, people like sumo Grand Champion Asashoryu and the boxing Kameda family were condemned by society for their outrageous behavior, and were driven to hold press conferences.

In the examples cited here, those involved were guilty of deception but their deception did not cause food poisoning or a big accident. However, their deception came to the attention of the media and it developed into a case. That is why it was important for those people to apologize in the glare of the media. An apology means an absolution. Once the media stop reporting the incident, the world is going to forget them and leave them alone—that appears to be what they are thinking.

"Apologies" press conferences are rarely seen in the West. Why? In the West, if you admit that you were at fault and apologize, you must of course be prepared to pay a penalty such as resigning or going out of business. The world looks down with contempt upon people who admit they were in the wrong. So even if you had actually behaved in a questionable way, you must continue to flatly deny any wrongdoing and resist demands for an apology outright, if you want to stay in business.

In Japan, however, if you show remorse, apologize, and pledge never to do it again, you are often forgiven. Naturally, you cannot expect everything to be the way it was before right away, but by making a sincere effort, you can be given a second chance. That is why companies with many employees which want to stay in business and individuals who want to continue their activities offer their apologies in public. Whether that is commendable or not is beside the point.
"Apologize and you will be forgiven" is part of the Japanese social mores. Add to this the Japanese style of greeting, "bowing." The fusion has produced, on the stage of the media society, the peculiar performances of "apologies" press conference acted out time and again.

The author is professor of Musashi University.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

小玉 美意子 / 武蔵大学教授

2008年 2月 20日








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