Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

Choice of New BOJ Governor
HANABUSA Masamichi / Former Ambassador to Italy

March 25, 2008
With regard to the selection of the new Governor of the Bank of Japan, it was emphasized by the Government and the LDP as well as by many commentators that the finance and monetary policy must cooperate closely in order to manage the economy. In my personal opinion, however, the misfortune of the Japanese people was that Japan's monetary policies have been too subservient to financial considerations. In the past ten years the Japanese government could not resort to budgetary measures to stimulate the economy, so that monetary policies were employed to do the job. As the result of the continued undisciplined budgetary spendings, Japan's various fundamental indices have been so aggravated that Japan would not be allowed into the European Union, if she wanted it. At the same time vast savings of the assiduous Japanese people were deprived of interest income, which, given normal interest rates, would have been very substantial.

Because of the gigantic accumulation of government bonds, the fiscal logic would abhor higher interest rates as servicing costs of issued bonds would increase. The exchange rate for the yen is likewise kept inordinately low. This surely favors export industries of Japan, the driving force of the Japanese economy. But if the value of the yen and the level of interest rates are expected to be maintained so low, the Japanese will opt for foreign-currency-denominated assets. In fact, even the hitherto super-conservative Japanese asset owners now tend to manage their personal assets overseas. Japan's assets now flow outside of Japan and are not spent to grow the Japanese economy. It must be remembered that this policy of keeping interest rates very low have exerted inflational pressures on the world economy, through the so-called yen carry trade.

The Japanese economy has been stalled, not because finance and monetary policy were not coordinated well, but because, for lack of healthy balance between finance and monetary policy, financial considerations overruled other policy options. In every sense, mid- and long-term objective for Japan is that the functions of interest rates should be normalized by gradually raising, whenever possible, the level of domestic interest rates. Japan must adopt monetary policy which is appropriate in terms of the economic and monetary situation of the world, not solely in terms of the domestic logic of Japan's financial requirements. Under the circumstances, the new Governor of the Bank of Japan must be a person with reliable outlook for the world economy in addition to the knowledge and experience of Japan's economy itself. In these globalizing days, as far as money is concerned, there is only one world; the central bankers of the major advanced nations must keep in close touch with their counterparts, where the commonly used language is English. Japan's Governor must have workable command of English.

For these reasons the independence of the Bank of Japan has come to be considered particularly important in Japan. A BOJ Governor with the career background firmly endorsed by the Ministry of Finance is fraught with the danger of monetary policy being subservient to financial considerations. It is extraordinary if, as is reported widely, the Ministry of Finance has maneuvered over 5 years to make a specific ex-Vice Minister to be Governor of the Bank of Japan. I do not think that Japan is devoid of persons suitable for the job. I am afraid that if the past practice of MOF Vice-Minister regularly descending on the Bank of Japan as its Governor is resurrected, an impression is created, both at home and abroad, that the top of Japan's central bank is stooge of the Finance Ministry and may not act independently, when required.

With bankrupt national finances and little room for monetary maneuver any more, the royal road for the revitalization and growth of the Japanese economy is, as boldly practiced by former Prime Minister Koizumi, to remove various regulations, which sustain vested interests, and open up the vitality of the private sector. As Koizumi administration was over, however, vested interests again are back to hinder reforms, thus hopelessly stagnating the present economic situation.

In this sense, the appointment of the new Governor of the Bank of Japan did have a symbolic importance concerning how to manage our economy in the future. Whoever finally becomes the BOJ Governor, the argument that someone with top Finance Ministry career can best manage the central bank did not win the day. Although it was regrettable that the appointment of the BOJ Governor was made a political issue in the Diet, I am inclined to feel that the political scuffle ended well in a desirable way for the nation. May this be our national consensus in the future of Japan, which after all is a mature capitalist nation.

The writer is Chairman of the English-Speaking Union of Japan.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

英 正道 / 元駐イタリア大使

2008年 3月 25日
今回の日銀総裁人事に関連して、政府・自民党筋からのみならず多くの識者によって、財政と金融は密接に協力し合わなければならないことが強調された。しかし私は日本国民の不幸はこれまであまりにも金融政策が財政状況の考慮に従属してきたことではなかったかと考える。永年にわたり規律のない財政支出を行なってきた結果、日本の諸経済指標は 日本が欧州連合の一員になろうとしてもなれないほど悪化してしまっている。この10年財政出動の余地がないので、金融政策で景気刺激が行なわれて来た。その結果国民が蓄えた貯蓄から巨額の金利所得を奪う結果となっている。





その意味では、今回の日銀総裁人事は、今後の日本経済のかじ取りという大きな問題にどう取り組むかを象徴するという重要性を有していたと思う。最終的に誰が日銀総裁に就任するにしても、財政と金融の一体化のため財政の中心的な人物に金融も担当させねばならないという議論は排除されたと思われる。今回の出来事は、政争の具に使われたという 好ましくない側面はあるにしても、結果としては日本にとり望ましい形で決着したと思う。願わくばこの考え方が成熟資本主義国日本のこれからの国民的なコンセンサスとなってもらいたい。

一般社団法人 日本英語交流連盟