Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

Seeking Nuclear Disablement as the Top Priority
HIRAI Hisashi  / Senior Editor, Kyodo News

April 7, 2008
The nuclear issue in North Korea has reached an important stage. In a Foreign Ministry comment issued on March 28, North Korea warned that U.S. insistence on the uranium enrichment issue and allegations of North Korean involvement in assisting Syria with nuclear technology "it will seriously affect the disabling of nuclear facilities." Prior to this comment, North Korea ordered the deportation of South Korean government officials from the Gaeseong Industrial Complex and test-launched short-range missiles in the Yellow Sea on the same day the comment was issued, in a demonstration conceivably designed to unsettle the international community. North Korea has taken a hard-line approach to moves by South Korea's new Lee Myung-bak government to reinforce the South Korean-U.S. alliance, and is aiming to force its way through in its relationship with the United States.

We are currently at a crossroads on nuclear disablement, the second stage of the six-nation talks. Failure to accomplish nuclear disablement may endanger the six-nation talks itself and risk the possibility of North Korea returning to a hard-line approach, including the resumption of nuclear testing.

The crux of the matter lies in mutual distrust between the United States and North Korea. The U.S.-led international community remains suspicious of North Korea's intentions of ever relinquishing its nuclear weapons, while North Korea continues to suspect the United States will not abandon its hostile policy and is only seeking disarmament of North Korea.

Apparently, the Japanese abduction issue has become a trauma that is significantly affecting North Korea. Admitting to the abductions led to a deterioration in its relationship with Japan and lessened the possibility of economic assistance, which the country badly needs. North Korea appears to be weary of providing any information concerning uranium enrichment or nuclear assistance to Syria, lest it may lead to a proliferation of issues and cause the United States to step up its hostile policies.

It is time we return to our starting point of preventing North Korea from ever becoming a nuclear power. North Korea is so far committed to its principle of seeking a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula as the will of its late President Kim Il-Sung. Once North Korea's possession of nuclear weapons becomes an accomplished fact, Japan's nuclear armament will one day appear on the time table, and nuclear armament by the world's first nuclear bombing victim will open the way to a terrifying scenario of global nuclear proliferation.

Japan is the country most seriously threatened by North Korean nuclear weapons. It is only natural that Japan strives to eliminate this existing threat, and tying this issue too closely with the abduction issue is not in its national interest. Japan should participate in the provision of heavy oil that is being sought in return for nuclear disablement. That would be a far greater contribution to eliminating a threat to Japan than the contribution being made in the Indian Ocean.

One way to resolve the continuing conflict over "past" issues concerning uranium enrichment and nuclear assistance to Syria may be to set these issues aside for future consultation. In return, however, North Korea must commit to complete and accurate reporting on "present" and "future" issues, and stop sabotaging the removal of used fuel rods at its nuclear facility in Yongbyon. Is it not possible to start by securing the "present" and "future," and then pass judgment on the "past"? Other barriers remain with respect to the "past," including North Korea's demands for the normalization of relations and signing of a peace treaty with the United States.

North Korea's nuclear assistance to Syria is a crucial point of contention, and whether the target bombed by Israel in September last year is the nuclear facility in question is attracting much attention. While the Syrian facility is a matter of intelligence, we have reached a point where the countries involved should disclose some level of information. The Berlin talks held in January last year marked the actual start of the current U.S.-North Korean negotiations, and if North Korea did indeed provide assistance to this facility, it would make this an issue that belongs distinctly to the "present," rather than the "past."

If North Korea agrees to a complete and accurate report on the "present" and "future," the United Sates is likely to lift its designated status as a state sponsor of terrorism. Japan on its part should reverse its uncompromising stance of opposing such a move. In case North Korea reverts to a dangerous direction, the United States could re-designate the country as a sponsor state of terrorism. We should place our priority on accepting North Korea into the international community while seeking answers to past allegations and encouraging the country to give up its nuclear ambitions. Creating a situation that disables North Korea from further increasing its nuclear weapon should be our top priority.

The writer is Senior Editor of Kyodo News.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

平井久志 / 共同通信 編集委員

2008年 4月 7日









(筆者は共同通信 編集委員。)
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English Speaking Union of Japan > Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW) > Seeking Nuclear Disablement as the Top Priority