Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

America's Abandonment of the Kyoto Protocol
SAGARA Kunio / Former Science Editor of Yomiuri Shimbun

April 23, 2001
America has announced its abandonment of the "Kyoto Protocol" which binds industrialized countries to reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases in order to mitigate global warming. Modestly considering the issue as a member of 6 billion "earthlings," I must say that the announcement made by US President George Bush not only exposed the self-contradiction that exists within America -- a country which has always championed universal values based on equality and justice for all, but also showed the entire world the spiritual poverty of a country that has reached the peak of its material success.

It so happens that the price of crude oil and natural gas has soared in America. President Bush emphasized that "Our economy has slowed down. We also have an energy crisis. And the idea of placing caps on CO2 does not make economic sense for America," thus revealing the country's stance of putting national interests first. By the end of this month, America is expected to release its new energy policy, including the development of domestic oil resources and the installment of more nuclear reactors, effecting significant changes to the pro-environmental policies adopted by the previous administration.

Under the Kyoto Protocol, America is committed to curb its greenhouse gases from 2010 by 7% compared to emission levels in 1990. America should actually reduce this figure by several times more, considering the amount of emissions added over the 20 year-period from 1990.

By providing new supplies of energy, its emission of CO2 would rise even further. If this were an Olympics obstacle race, the latest American action is like admitting it has no alternative but to flee from its opponents before the start of the competition, because the hurdle (obligation) set by the Kyoto Protocol is too high for a large scale waster of fossil fuel such as itself to clear.

America uses its national credo of universal values to its own advantage by arguing that it is unfair that developing countries are exempt from reduction requirements, and that they should also make commitments of their own. However, the injustice lies in the fact that a country where 485 out of every thousand of its population own cars is seeking equal commitments from developing countries in Asia and Africa where less than one out of a thousand own a car.

At present, a half of the world's 6 billion people (3 billion) live on less than three dollars a day. Everyone aspires to material affluence such as that enjoyed by Americans. But even today, if all mankind adopted a meat-based American diet, we would only be able to feed a third (2.2 billion) of the global populace.

The cause of the energy crisis in America, which emits a quarter of the world's CO2, is its own reluctance to reform its "mass production, mass waste and mass disposal society" -- a recipe for dissipating fossil fuel. And this is what lies at the heart of the problem.

Over the next century, global temperatures could rise by a maximum 5.8 degrees Celsius - that was the warning issued in January by the world's leading scientists participating in the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in their Third Assessment Report. Should temperatures rise by that much, earth will revert to the climate of the days of the dinosaurs, endangering the survival of the human race.

President Bush has said that global warming lacks scientific grounds. Having gone as far as to say so, it is now his turn to present a scientific argument based on objective grounds that would convince the entire world. Failing that, America's abandonment of the Kyoto Protocol will be seen as nothing but a show of Superpower egoism, and any new plan it presents as an alternative to the Kyoto Protocol will go unsupported by the rest of the world. I for one have no intention of following the suicidal egoism of a Superpower.

The writer is teaching at Tokiwa University on global environmental issue. He is former Science Editor of Yomiuri Shimbun.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

相良 邦夫 / 元読売新聞科学部長

2001年 4月 23日









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English Speaking Union of Japan > Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW) > America's Abandonment of the Kyoto Protocol