Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

India deserves our national attention
OGAWA Tadashi  / Managing Director, Department of Japanese Studies and Intellectual Exchange, The Japan Foundation

March 2, 2010
Early in the new year I was on a business trip to Washington, D.C., where I had the opportunity to hear the views of people involved in government, Congress and think tanks in the United States. And the impression I got was that India was steadily making its presence felt within U.S. policy-making circles.

To some extent, this reflects the structural changes taking place in the international arena, where India's growing national strength has led to its rise as a major player rubbing shoulders with Japan and China. Meanwhile, the success enjoyed by ethnic Indians in America is another factor that should not be overlooked.

The Indian diaspora in America is gaining influence, the ultimate example being Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. A second-generation immigrant, Jindal became the first ethnic Indian to be elected state governor and some are now calling him the star of the Republican Party and future presidential candidate.

There are 2.57 million ethnic Indians living in the United States today. In the past, caste-consciousness hindered them from uniting as a single voice. However, with the generational change, second- and third-generation Indians who grew up in America free from the caste mentality have used the Internet to weave an extensive human network, developing it into a powerful lobby. Over the past few years, they have been the driving force behind Indo-U.S. exchanges that have taken place in Congress and think tanks in Washington.

The presence of Indian scholars who came to study in the United States and have remained there in academic positions is also important. About 100,000 Indian students are currently studying at American universities. India sends out the greatest number of students to the United States, and talented individuals are recruited into U.S. intellectual circles as human resources. They play an instrumental role in studies on modern India at U.S. research institutions today.

Indo-U.S. exchange has been expanding on this broadening of human resources brought about by globalization. In comparison, Japan lags far behind the United States in terms of its dialogue with India; the base of human resources bridging Japan and India is far too small.

There are 22,000 Indians registered as foreign residents in Japan, less than 1% of the ethnic Indian community in the United States. The total number of Indian students at Japanese universities is a mere 543, equivalent to roughly 0.5% of the number of Indians studying in America.

Japanese language students constitute a broad base from which Indians with informed knowledge on Japan will emerge in future. And while the number of Indians learning Japanese has increased 2.7 times over the past decade to 11,000 in 2006, the number of foreign students learning Japanese has been generally on the rise throughout the world, as seen in the considerably larger figures of 680,000 in China and 910,000 in South Korea.

Collaboration with India is essential for Japan to survive in an international community riddled with its complex dynamics. Japan must fundamentally enhance its relationship with India. And an important preliminary step would be to strengthen academic research to gain a deeper understanding of the dynamism of today's India that goes beyond the conventional image of a "timeless India that remains unchanged from time immemorial."

Indian studies at Japanese universities and research institutions are centered on philosophy and Buddhism, and the world's top-level research is being undertaken in these fields. In contrast, only a limited number of researchers specialize in India's modern politics, economy and law. In the field of social sciences, full-time positions in Indian studies are virtually non-existent, placing young researchers in a precarious position with no future prospects.

Last year, a full-scale program for regional studies on modern India was launched through a network linking the National Institutes for the Humanities and six universities including Kyoto University. Yet, it is a far cry from the quality and volume of research and exchange being undertaken in Europe and the United States. Neither is it sufficient in terms of the quality and volume of permanent research and exchange on modern India. Japan must make a national effort to establish a permanent structure for academic research on modern India, expand the scope of student exchanges and promote dialogues between experts as well as exchanges between citizens.

The writer is former Director of the Japan Foundation's New Delhi Office. This article originally appeared in the February 4, 2010 issue of the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

小川 忠 /  国際交流基金 日本研究・知的交流部長

2010年 3月 2日

一般社団法人 日本英語交流連盟

English Speaking Union of Japan > Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW) > India deserves our national attention