Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

The United Nations Resolution and the United States
Hirayama Kentaro / Journalist

February 2, 2011
A group of UN member states, largely led by Arab countries, are expected shortly to propose to the UN Security Council a resolution condemning the illegality of the construction of Israeli settlements on the West Bank of the Jordan River, including East Jerusalem, under Israeli military occupation. In the meantime, high American officials, such as Frank Carlucci, the former Secretary of Defense in the Ronald Reagan administration, and former Ambassador Thomas Pickering to the United Nations, have jointly sent a letter to President Barak Obama, asking him not to veto such a resolution. President Obama has failed to dissuade Israel from continuing the construction and "to freeze" settlements on the West Bank, as the biggest obstacle to the resumption of direct talks with the Palestinians. However, Obama has so far taking a noncommittal attitude towards the Arab countries' activities in the UN Security Council, fearing that it would further harden the Israeli position. The high officials' letter during such a situation recommends that the United States not only refrain from vetoing the resolution, but actually vote for it! The point being that the credibility of Obama's statements favorable to the Islamic nations, made since his assumption of office, are at stake.

The probabilities are that the Arab states, if this resolution condemning the Israeli settlements is adopted, will proceed toward another resolution proposing the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with boundaries based of those prior to the 1967 war. The settlement-condemning resolution therefore, is very important to assess the true intention of the Obama administration. It is clear now to everyone that, under the present Israeli situation, the formula for Middle East peace prescribed by the United States herself-the establishment of a state of Palestine co-existent with Israel-will be impossible to realize, as long as America, the only power that could effectively bring her weight to bear on Israel, is in the grip of a fixed idea that "the parties concerned should talk directly to each other" Hasn't the time come for America to take the initiative in the UN Security Council to present a fair peace-making plan to both Israel and Palestine and bring necessary pressure on Israel who actually controls the occupied territories.

We have a good example of such a peace-making plan. It is the concrete recommendation, known as the "Clinton Parameters," which President Bill Clinton wrote in December of 2000, just before he left office. It includes: the return of 96 to 97 percent of the Israeli-occupied territories on the West Bank of the Jordan River to Palestine, the offer of alternate land to Palestine in return for the annexation of settlements in the vicinity of the old boundaries, the restitution of at least a part of east Jerusalem-including Islamic holy places, the absorption of Palestinian refugees desirous of "coming-home" to a state of Palestine, and a security arrangement for Israel of American and NATO armed forces after the withdrawal of Israeli forces from occupied territories. This concept differs from Arab League Peace Plan (adopted in 2002) but the difference is relatively narrow and could be bridged. During the past ten years since the inception of this plan, the Palestinian side has suggested to the Israelis in their intermittent back-stage negotiations certain "concessions," which have been leaked to Al-Jazeera and recently have come out. It is interesting to see that the broadcast concessions are mainly in line with the Clinton plan. The process leading to the acceptance of mediation by an influential third party (like the United States) should be effective to restrain the hard-liners on either side from calling the negotiators who make concessions traitors.

As a Japanese, I earnestly hope that President Obama will make a courageous decision for peace in the Middle East. Not only because the steady supply of energy resources from the Middle East is vitally important to Japan, but also because I see reflections of the Israeli occupation in Japan's on-going suffering under Russian occupation of the Northern Territories as well as the negative legacy of Japan's occupation and annexation of neighboring countries before 1945. The deepening and strengthening of the Japan-U.S. alliance is currently under discussion in reference to the issue of American military bases in Okinawa and the East Asian situation. From now on, greater expectations will be raised and more requests will be made that Japan send her Self-Defense Forces to the Middle East region to contribute to world peace. That is exactly why I hope for a well-balanced American policy for the Middle East, because it is also a matter of great concern for Japan's security. 

Soon after I wrote this article, the political situation in Egypt began to move drastically, in a chain reaction of the collapse brought about by a uprising of the people under the long-time dictatorship by Ben-Ali in Tunisia. The outcome of the confusion in Egypt is yet to be seen and how much influence the Islamic forces will exert in this mass movement toward "civil revolution" It will be difficult, however, for both Egypt and Israel to keep the same level of mutual cooperation as has been seen in the blockade of Gaza. Obama administration's Middle East policy including Palestine, too, will be asked to take into account of this vital change.

The writer is a former Executive Commentator of NHK and Professor of Political Science at Hakuoh University.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

平山 健太郎 / ジャーナリスト

2011年 2月 2日


そのような調停案には立派なモデルがある。たとえばクリントン大統領が離任間際の2000年12月に書き残した具体的な勧告、いわゆる「CLINTON PARAMETER)だ。ヨルダン川西岸占領地の96-97%のパレスチナ側への返還.旧境界線に近い入植地群の併合の見返りにイスラエル領土からのパレスチナ側への替地の提供。イスラムの聖域を含む東エルサレムの少なくも一部の返還。「帰国」を望むパレスチナ難民の「パレスチナ国家」への吸収。占領地撤退後のイスラエルの安全についての米軍やNATO軍による保証などがその骨子で、アラブ連盟の和平提案(2002年)ともすり合せが可能な構想に見える。この構想から今日までの10年間、イスラエル側との断続的な裏交鈔の中でパレスチナ側がイスラエル側に示してきた「譲歩」の内容なるものが、アルジャジーラ放送で伝えられ、このところ論議を呼んでいるが、その大方が、クリントン構想の周辺での譲歩である点興味深い。アメリカなど強力な第三者の調停案の受諾というプロセスは、相手方への譲歩を裏切りとして交鈔当事者を脅かす双方の強硬派を抑え込む上でも有効な筈だ。



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English Speaking Union of Japan > Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW) > The United Nations Resolution and the United States