Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

Have Faith in Japan's Resilience
NUMATA Sadaaki  / Former Japanese Ambassador to Canada

March 23, 2011
On the 17th of January, 1995, in London, I was on British radio and television all day. I was saying that the massive earthquake that had just hit Kobe was like a cat-and-mouse game with nature. We try our utmost to run away from nature's claws, but we get caught sometimes.

This time, not just a cat but a "hydra-headed" monster hit Eastern Japan, with a magnitude 9.0 earthquake, a once-in-a-thousand-years tsunami, and a nuclear power plant accident. The death toll may very well be three or four times greater than the 6,400 at the time of the Kobe Earthquake.

Our resilience, or ability to endure adversity, is being put to the severest test since the wartime years. In the face of this national crisis, the public is calling upon the political leaders in government and in opposition to bury the hatchet and work together in coalition. The politicians' response could either bring the Japanese political system out of the pre-crisis stalemate or further undermine the public’s faith in the system itself

While the political leaders are thus under rigorous public scrutiny, there is a growing appreciation of the Self-Defense Forces that have deployed 100,000 personnel, 40% of their total active strength, for the grim and dangerous task of search and rescue, recovering the deceased victims, and trying to bring the Fukushima No.1 Nuclear Power Plant under control. Praise also goes to the firefighters, policemen and power company employees who are running high risks of radiation exposure in their valiant efforts in close proximity to the damaged reactors. The leader of the firefighting brigade, when he went into the operation, received a text message from his wife just saying "Be a saviour for Japan ."

The nuclear drama caused so much media hype that it tended to obscure the tragic plight of more than 350,000 hapless people who became refugees in their own country, An American girl working as an Assistant Language Teacher under the JET (Japan Exchange and Teaching) Program in Gunma Prefecture wrote to her friends, "People are dying in Fukushima due to hypothermia and insufficient medical assistance. They NEED to be asking what they can DO to help, not simply pumping up the fears"

In situations like this, it is easy to fall into the trap of being too optimistic or pessimistic. It is essential to keep things in perspective. For that, one needs more, not less, information. The perception of a limited flow of information from Japan could provoke international concerns. At the same time, over-reacting to the nuclear drama or conjuring up apocalyptic images of an "unsafe Japan" would inflict economic and psychological damage on Japan's relations with its friends.

Amidst all this, there are encouraging factors in the Japanese national character. The international media has noted the stoicism, calmness, orderliness, and the absence of looting or scuffles for food or services, on the part of those afflicted. The oft-quoted Japanese word in this context is "gaman", which may mean "toughing it out" to the Americans, and "the stiff upper lip" to the British

At the foundation of all this is the sense of responsibility to the community. It is this communitarian spirit that enables the cities and towns in the unaffected areas to open their doors and welcome the internal refugees in their midst and prompts volunteers of all ages to help the reconstruction efforts in afflicted areas.

A global communitarian spirit has been demonstrated as well. Emergency relief teams from 16 countries and the teams of experts from the UN Disaster Assessment and Coordination and IAEA have been dispatched. The Japan-U.S. alliance has been put into motion for joint search and rescue and disaster relief operations between the Self Defense Forces and the U.S. Forces, which deployed 10 ships, including the aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan, 109 aircraft and the Marines from Okinawa.

As a Japanese, I believe in the strength of the Japanese people. This crisis has galvanized the public spirit of the people who have gone through complacency and apathy over the past two decades or so. This public spirit can inject a strong sense of national purpose into the political process and thereby mobilize the nation toward the shared goal of rebuilding. We can instill hope in the minds of the people. Let us have faith in Japan's resilience.
The writer is Vice-Chairman of the English Speaking Union of Japan.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

沼田 貞昭 / 元カナダ大使

2011年 3月 23日






このような中で、日本の国民性には勇気づけられる要素がある。外国のメディアも、今回の被災者の禁欲的で落ち着いており、秩序正しい態度、そして、商店からの略奪とか食料の奪い合いなどが生じていないことに注目している。この関連で、日本語の「我慢」と言う言葉が良く使われるが、これはアメリカ人にとっての "toughing it out" (耐え抜くこと)、英国人にとっての"the stiff upper lip" (ものに動じないこと)に似ていると言えよう。




一般社団法人 日本英語交流連盟