Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

Single Mothers and the Declining Birth Rate
STILLMAN Mikie  / Think tank (NIRA) director

May 30, 2001
In 1998, the average number of children born to a Japanese woman during her lifetime (the Total Fertility Rate) stood at 1.38. Among industrialized nations, Italy at 1.17 (as of 1995) has been Japan's main contender for the lowest birthrate.

Should the current trend persist, by 2007 the Japanese population will begin to decline, halving to about 50 million by 2100. The government has taken various measures for bettering the environment in which women bear and raise their children. These include expanding daycare centers and paternity leave as well as improving the system for taking care of elementary school children after classes. These are all important measures.

However, compared with other industrialized nations, there is a clear difference in the backdrop of Japan's low birthrate - the extremely low number of single mothers. Abortion rarely becomes a political issue in Japan. But in reality, a considerable number of artificial abortions are apparently performed in the country. Not a few women would have children if life became easier for single mothers, which would undoubtedly raise the Total Fertility Rate.

The question is whether enough Japanese women with the courage to raise their extra-marital children will come forth. Considering the prejudice and discrimination to be encountered in society, not wanting to choose the hard way is a natural feeling. However, even in countries where single mothers and their children are given fair treatment today, they were not always welcome in the past. Often, a courageous challenge was put up by many women that gradually changed society's views against "immoral women and their children." They must have faced all kinds of hardship before their voice -- that there were various reasons behind fatherless families, that they were entitled to the same rights as citizens and that single mother homes had a special right to receive support -- was finally heard.

It is often said that the Japanese are unfamiliar with the mentality of "fighting to win one's rights." There is also a misunderstanding on the part of Japanese women that western men are more sympathetic towards the plight of women. There is no difference between the roles of men and women when it comes to making an effort for creating an environment that allows for a variety of lifestyles. In countries where men do not raise their voice much in dissent, women may also tend to be more obedient. But it isn't worth hoping that men will speak up on behalf of women in the movement for winning citizenship for single mothers.

In eastern and western cultures alike, men aren't humble enough to want to let go of groundless privileges that have been endowed on them. If in some western countries women seem to be enjoying more freedom than women in Japan, that is not because men living in those countries embraced equality for men and women voluntarily or with all their hearts. It is the result of persistent efforts made by women in presenting their just cause before the men.

"Not having a child" may be a form of silent resistance, but "having a child alone" is a more positive kind of resistance. I am hopeful that it won't be long till male policymakers tackling the issue of low birthrates stumble upon the undiscovered measure of "extending a welcome to single mothers."

The writer is a think tank (NIRA) director. She is former University Professor of Public Policy (Osaka University).
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

スティルマン 美紀恵  / NIRA(シンクタンク)ディレクター

2001年 5月 30日


いずれも大事な施策である。 が、日本の出生率をめぐる背景のうち他の先進国と明確に異なるのは、シングルマザーの数の極端な少なさである。堕胎が政治問題になることは日本では稀だ。






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English Speaking Union of Japan > Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW) > Single Mothers and the Declining Birth Rate