Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

TPP As a Part of Industrial Policy and National Security Policy
ONO Goro / Professor Emeritus, Saitama University

January 16, 2012
The Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP, is not about opening Japan to the world or liberalization as argued by some of its proponents, but is merely a part of the industrial policy of participating countries that include the United States. Being a closed regional union, TPP is obviously not about "opening up to the world." While liberalization is the goal in terms of tangible aspects such as goods, money and people, when it comes to intangible aspects such as intellectual property rights the general direction is towards tighter regulation.

Let me offer a simple review of history. In the past, advanced nations that led the global economy sought to expand their economic interests by first advocating liberalization of trade in goods and services. As they lost their supremacy to newcomers they added liberalization of capital to the list. And as they began to feel pressured in this area as well, they came up with stronger protection of intellectual property rights and financial engineering. This is a pattern that has been followed not just by contemporary America, but one that has been in place ever since the British began to champion the "free economy" after Adam Smith. In either case, it has been an industrial policy adopted by the economic superpower of the day.

For this reason, there is persistent opposition from those who claim that TPP is no more than a design to benefit the United States. However, we shouldn't be too quick to jump to the conclusion that Japan should therefore not participate. From a policy perspective, we can put perfectly well the logics aside and do whatever it takes as long as it is in Japan's national interests to do so.

In another vein, most would agree that participating in TPP offers Japan an effective tool for transforming its social structure to meet the needs of a maturing society. Japan is suffering under the double burden of having lost its growth potential as it enters an era of declining birth rates and an aging population. We have been further battered by the great earthquake disaster and nuclear accident. However, even against this backdrop the Japanese continue to cling on to vested interests and remain trapped in conventional ideas. A sense of impotence permeates the country and people seem too disheartened to bring down the wall on their own. In view of this state, it wouldn’t be inappropriate to entertain the idea of using "external pressure" - as in the past - to proceed with structural reforms that are badly needed.

Needless to say, although Japan may have lost its growth potential on a macroeconomic scale, that doesn't mean there is no room for growth on the micro scale of individual industries and corporations. It is also essential to significantly enhance our productivity on a macro scale to address the declining birth rate and aging population.

These two points lead us to a single conclusion – Japan must give priority to developing promising sectors while engineering a gradual retreat in the remaining sectors. Of course, in some areas vital to social stability and thus related to security in the broad sense of the term, such as social welfare and natural resources, it would be difficult to raise productivity on their own and supplementary policies would be required. And precisely for that reason, it becomes even more important to generate excess resources from the promising sectors.

In other words, if TPP is indeed to benefit the United States alone, it would only be natural for agriculture protectionists, etc. to oppose it. However, their grounds for opposition would disappear if participating in TPP was presented as a necessary step to ensure that Japan raises its productivity by implementing structural reforms and avoid losing the excess resources to protect those sectors in need. On the other hand, industries that currently lead the Japanese economy do not necessarily represent the promising sectors of the future, so participation in TPP would not go their way, either. For example, the auto industry has been able to maintain its competitiveness thanks to the weak yen policy introduced during the Koizumi administration, and its productivity is not exactly high. At this rate, the auto industry might join the ranks of sectors marked for a gradual retreat.

Let us now move away from domestic considerations and turn to TPP and its implications for Japan's foreign policy. We have been faced with "Japan-passing" by the United States and its move to forge closer ties with China and South Korea. Declaring participation in TPP would be effective as an eye-opener that reminds the Americans of the vital position Japan holds within their strategy for Asia and China in particular. That said, Japan should also break from the past and assert itself, rather than compromising to placate the United States. By doing so Japan would gain greater recognition from other countries participating in TPP, and the United States itself would be forced to recognize Japan's strategic importance anew.

This paradoxical viewpoint is also useful in considering our relationship with China. Japan's participation in TPP will be interpreted by China as part of the effort to encircle China, leading to a "deepening of the Japan-U.S. alliance" as advocated by the current administration of Prime Minister Noda Yoshihiko. While a deepening of the alliance is a welcome development for both Japan and the United States, growing tensions with China is an outcome that both countries would wish to avoid. And in view of recent developments in North Korea, matters could take a turn for the worst should a power struggle erupt between the United States and China over the Korean Peninsula. Such an outcome would pose a greater threat to Japan than to the United States.

Thus the signing of a FTA (Free Trade Agreement) between Japan, China and South Korea will become significantly important. It is hoped that the FTA would serve as a conduit through which Japan and South Korea can bridge the gap between the United States and China and thereby avoid the emergence of any dangerous flashpoints between the two military powers.

Finally, there is one thing Japan can do right now to prevent political uncertainty in North Korea from accelerating tensions throughout East Asia. Japan should declare its willingness to accept a certain portion of the massive number of North Koreans who are expected to flee the country, and to pay a certain amount of the cost required for restoring stability to the Korean Peninsula. Shouldering part of this burden would change China's stance towards Japan on the North Korean issue. Seen from another angle, lending a helping hand to a former colony in confusion is a natural responsibility of a former colonial master recognized under international law.

The write is Professor Emeritus at Saitama University.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

小野 五郎 / 埼玉大学名誉教授

2012年 1月 16日










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English Speaking Union of Japan > Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW) > TPP As a Part of Industrial Policy and National Security Policy