Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

The Future of Japan-China Relations
HANABUSA Masamichi  / Former Japanese Ambassador to Italy

January 24, 2013
World leaders are now confronted with the urgent issue of how to manage their respective budgetary and financial difficulties at home. It is feared that the whole world has lost governability. On the international scene, pressing concerns for the US and Western Europe center round the fast-expanding terrorist power in Middle East and North African regions and the serious clash of interests between Israel and Iran. In comparison, the wrangling between Japan and China over a group of small islands in East China Sea would appear to them a storm in a teacup. Japan-China relations bode ill, however, as this dispute might turn from today's small tropical cyclone into a calamitous typhoon. It is desired that overseas observers follow the future of Japan-China relations with more attention.

It is most unfortunate that both Japanese and Chinese governments seem to have been played into the hands of former Tokyo Governor Ishihara Shintaro, a sharp-tongued and therefore popular pseudo-patriotic politician who played with a dangerous fire by promoting the purchase of these islets by Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Following the purchase by the national government of the islands from the private owner last September, there took place in China wide-spread anti-Japanese demonstrations as well as attacks on Japanese-owned factories and shops. Similarly, Chinese official vessels are frequently intruding the Japanese territorial waters and economic zones around the islands.

The chain of events in the past few months have revealed a number of serious facts. First, even after 40 years from the "normalization" of relations, the foundation of the mutual relations between the two Asian behemoths is incredibly fragile. Surely in recent years the political relations between Japan and China were cold, what with the Prime Minister Koizumi's visit to Yasukuni Shrine to may homage to the war-dead and intentional fishing activities by Chinese fishing vessels in Japan's waters. Nevertheless, despite the embargo by China of rare earth to Japan, it was widely believed that economic inter-dependence between the two countries constituted a solid basis of sound mutual relations. This belief proved illusory. Second, the Chinese attitude and pronouncements have been so patently rude and impolite. It comes no surprise that a dissatisfied Chinese segment of the gigantic Chinese population 1.3 billion may conduct as uncivilized behaviors as if they had been at the beginning of the 20th century. What is highly unusual is that the Chinese government confirmed their acts as "patriotic." It is to be concluded that certain organs either in the Chinese Government or the Communist Party have engineered these disruptive acts against Japanese enterprises in China and repeated intrusions of Japanese waters. Third and foremost, it is now clear that China has abandoned Deng Xiaoping's stated policy to "hide one's strength and bide one's time" ; China seems to feel unconstrained to demonstrate its power not only vis-a-vis the coastal nations in Southeast Asia but even with Japan. The only consolation is that it happened before it was too late for Japan to realize the implications.

At the moment the writer has insufficient information to state a clear view on how the two governments can rationally soft-land this thorny issue. In this connection, it must be pointed out that both Japan and China are in a transitional period in domestic political terms. Prime Minister Abe may not find himself strong enough to act boldly until the forthcoming Upper House elections in the summer. Similarly intense power struggles will continue behind the scene until after the Chinese Communist Party leadership for the coming ten years is established at the forthcoming Meeting of the People's Congress in a few months' time. The time is not at all ripe for the two governments to grope for certain minimum compromise over the islands in question.

It is evident that the "China problem" exists not solely for Japan but also for the rest of the world. Clearly since about three years ago China has become very assertive in her external posture and behavior, although its reasons are unclear. There are numerous Illustrations of this such as quick naval build-up, clashes with its Southeast Asian neighbors regarding the possession of disputed islands, uncooperative attitude towards environmental issues, etc. The fundamental common concern for the world is whether China employs its newly-gained power to pursue its self interests alone or she is prepared to share stakes with the rest of the world with due respect for common values, objectives and modus operandi. It is appropriate that the US under President Obama intends to direct more attention to Asia through the "rebalancing" policy. But the US is no longer in a position to exercise a dominant influence in Asia as before.

Lately Japan, as the proximate neighbor of China, has experienced the most direct influences of this emerging nation in various ways. It is high time for Japan to establish a national consensus on how to manage its relations with China and muster all resources accordingly. In my opinion Japan finds itself at a crucial juncture that may arise only once or twice in a century to make a "judgment for survival."

Clear and important changes have already taken place or are happening in Japan. First, a national consensus is emerging in Japan that Japan needs not only to maintain and strengthen its military alliance with America but also quickly to strengthen its own capability of the Self Defense Forces and the Coast Guard. Second, the Japanese now realize that it is not realistic to expect that its economic inter-dependence with China will moderate the political differences. Third, Japanese business leaders stopped placing all eggs in the China basket and started redirecting their investment policy toward other Asian countries. The rising labor cost in China now makes this policy shift more rewarding. Fourth, the majority of Japanese has at long last come to accept increases in consumption and inheritance taxes as inevitable in order to consolidate Japan's budgetary foundation. Assuming that the LDP government under Prime Minister Abe will not derail the policy agreed with the previous Democratic Party government under Prime Minister Noda to reform "both tax and social security systems as a whole", there is a fair likelihood that the long-pervasive national anxiety for the future may be alleviated to a considerable extent. I am optimistic that, given significant improvements in the financial condition of Japanese banks and major companies, Japan may be able to come out of the economic stagnation that has lasted for two decades since the collapse of the economic bubble in the early 90s, ahead of other major economies.

Coming back to Japan-China relations, Japan is fully aware that it is dangerous and foolish to provoke China politically and militarily. As the Senkaku islands are under Japan's effective control in spite of Chinese challenges, Japan finds no interest in altering the status quo. Only China has been strongly intent on expanding its oceanic interests in recent years; if China tried to pursue this intention by force, serious confrontation could not be ruled out. The writer sincerely hopes that in the forthcoming volatile and fragile months until such time the leaders of the two countries stand on a strong enough footing to make a compromise, they will not succumb to the temptations of populist patriotism.

Masamichi Hanabusa is Chairman Emeritus of the English-Speaking Union of Japan.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

英 正道 / 元駐イタリア大使

2013年 1月 24日









(筆者は日本英語交流連盟 名誉会長。)
一般社団法人 日本英語交流連盟

English Speaking Union of Japan > Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW) > The Future of Japan-China Relations