Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

South Korea Should Heed Its Own Advice and Learn from the Franco-German Relationship
CHINO Keiko  / Journalist

February 25, 2014
Prime Minister Abe Shinzo forges ahead on his global journey in 2014 with visits to the Middle East, Africa, Davos and India, as if oblivious to the time differences involved. At this rate of exposure, it is unlikely that leading western news media would mistakenly identify the headshot of the Japanese Prime Minister, as has happened in the past.

Moreover, he has dealt with both strategic and practical issues on his round of visits, which surely merits high praise as the first instance of genuine summit diplomacy.

India is a case in point. Abe was the first Japanese Prime Minister to be invited to the Republic Day celebrations, and came away with progress on the two important areas of economic relations and national security. It certainly raised the level of bilateral relations from one that had been preceded by hollow slogans. I had once been a participant to the 21st Century India-Japan Eminent Persons' Group that was organized ahead of the 50th anniversary of Japan-India diplomatic relations. At the time I became acutely frustrated by how we were piping away yet not dancing at all. The business community, perhaps due to their interests in the giant Chinese market, were hardly enthusiastic except for those companies already doing business in India. And with economic relations in such a woeful state, collaboration in the area of security was beside the question. It was a time when the government view was: "All's well in Asia as long as we get along with China."

India will become increasingly more important, as indicated by the recent adoption of the term "Indo-Asia-Pacific" by the U.S. Pacific Command. Let us hope that Japan will expand and deepen its ties with India by seeking "2-plus-2" status for the bilateral security talks, as with such talks Japan holds with the United States, Australia, Russia and France.

It is an unfortunate twist that the greater the success scored by Prime Minister Abe's summit diplomacy, the greater the contrast it creates with the failings in Japan's relationships with China and South Korea.

Prime Minister Abe has repeatedly made overtures saying "the door to dialogue is open," yet it is China and South Korea that have remained unresponsive. His first administration also pursued the groundbreaking diplomatic policy of laying emphasis on Southeast Asia. But is it enough to stay the course into the future?

For Japan to proudly present its diplomatic efforts to the international community as one that encompasses the globe, the blank created by China and South Korea is simply too large.

Japan need not rush to make amends. We know from history that offering easy concessions based on a "friendship-first" approach has only damaged Japan's national interests. When Prime Minister Abe visited the Yasukuni Shrine - fully recognizing the risks of a violent backlash from China and South Korea, the popularity of his administration declined in the polls. But it was soon to recover, perhaps because the majority of public opinion is fed up by the way the Yasukuni visits are constantly treated as a diplomatic issue.

Last year, Seno Kiyomi, former Consul General of Chongqing, spoke at the Japan National Press Club about the Élysée Treaty signed in 1963 between longtime adversaries France and Germany. Under the treaty, each year the two sides are obliged to hold two summit meetings and four ministerial meetings, and organize exchange programs for 150,000 young people. "Even when they are not on talking terms, they would nevertheless come together at the table if only to dine in silence and go home," Seno said.

Under the current state of affairs we would probably see Japan, China and South Korea engage in a shouting match before sitting down to a meal, but it is an idea worthy of consideration. South Korea in particular should take the initiative and heed its own mantra that Japan should learn from the Franco-German relationship.

In fact, Japan does hold a trilateral meeting with China and South Korea each year in addition to the bilateral meetings. The first trilateral summit meeting was held in Fukuoka in 2008, and then Prime Minister Aso Taro praised it as a "historical necessity." While it is not an obligation as in the Élysée Treaty, we should contemplate the risks of not holding such meetings. It may be no more than a summit meeting, yet it is a summit meeting after all, and it is important not to raise the hurdles too high.

Compared with China or even with South Korea, Japan has the benefit of experience when it comes to political maturity, including the diversity of opinions that is tolerated. Herein lies an opportunity for Japan to appeal to the world as the country most open to dialogue among the three. Even in the event the summit meeting fails to materialize, it would be half a success if Japan could impress upon international opinion that it is making a diplomatic effort. After all, there is no single winner in diplomacy.

To be sure, Abe administration will face pressure from some quarters warning not to offer any easy concessions. However, former U.S. President Richard Nixon had this to say in his classic book "Leaders":

"The Pundit who exalts "'standing firm for principle"' and condemns compromise demands, in effect, that the leader throw himself on the sword. (Very few leaders are willing to do that. Nor should they.) What the pundit fails to see is that the leader frequently has to compromise in order to live to fight another day. Knowing when to compromise is part of the process of choosing priorities."'

Keiko Chino is Guest Columnist of the Sankei Shimbun newspaper. The article was first published in the February 1, 2014 issue of the Sankei Shimbun newspaper.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

千野 境子 / ジャーナリスト

2014年 2月 25日


千野 境子  ジャーナリスト















(筆者は産経新聞 客員論説委員。本稿は2014年2月1日付産経新聞に掲載された。)
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English Speaking Union of Japan > Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW) > South Korea Should Heed Its Own Advice and Learn from the Franco-German Relationship