Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

Dear Mr. Obama – The Laments of a Pro-U.S. Conservative
TAKUBO Tadae / Professor Emeritus, Kyorin University

March 11, 2014
Having been labeled a "Pro-U.S. conservative" for so long, perhaps I have become oversensitive to each and every move made by the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama. The apparent decline in U.S. global leadership has been scathingly described as an "Absent U.S." by the New York Times and as a "U.S. Retreat" by the Wall Street Journal.

U.S. diplomacy has traditionally been coupled with military prowess. However, the Obama administration in its second term has been opting for dialogue and negotiation with past adversaries, shying away from military intervention. And this has caused alarm in the U.S. media. Such a policy would naturally deteriorate existing alliances and friendly relationships, and it is beginning to have a palpable impact on the Japan-U.S. alliance.

The strength of the Obama administration's desire to "avoid being dragged into another country's war" became apparent in the way it handled the Syrian crisis last summer. While the administration's passive stance is understandably a reflection of U.S. public opinion, we should nevertheless reexamine the consequences of the missed opportunity for military intervention and cancellation of its initial decision to intervene.

U.S. inaction allowed Russia to seize the initiative of resolving the Syrian issue, revived the fortunes of President Bashar al-Assad - who had been facing U.S. and European demands to step down, and provided an impetus to opposition militants affiliated with the international terrorist organization Al Qaeda. In short, the situation has been turned around completely.

And as the U.S. government entered talks with Iran on its nuclear development issue, Iran's longtime adversaries Saudi Arabia and Israel have begun to turn a cold shoulder. Meanwhile, the full withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq has left a vacuum that is again being filled by militant groups affiliated with Al Qaeda.

But what defies comprehension is the U.S. policy on Egypt – a sworn Middle East ally to which the United States has consistently provided approximately $1.3 billion in military aid every year. First, it ditched President Hosni Mubarak in favor of the anti-government movement, then enthusiastically supported the establishment of a Muslim Brotherhood government, and has since given de facto approval to the military-led coup d'etat. The bolts that were in place to secure order in the Middle East must have come loose.

To be sure, President Obama has said in his State of the Union address on January 28 that the United States will continue to place priority on the Asia-Pacific region and support its allies. Yet, to steer clear of becoming entangled in any war in Asia, the United States must avoid a buildup of military friction with China.

Senator Max Baucus, who was nominated as the next U.S. Ambassador to China, also expressed his conviction of the importance of "engaging in a constructive conversation" with China during his confirmation hearing at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. In effect, the U.S. side has already shown concordance with the proposal made by Chinese President Xi Jinping to President Obama, of developing a "new type of great power relationship"

When Prime Minister Abe Shinzo recently visited the Yasukuni shrine, the United States expressed its "disappointment," citing that "Japan's leadership has taken an action that will exacerbate tensions with Japan's neighbors." Looking across the world from Washington, U.S. concerns are indeed well-founded.

However, as far as the Yasukuni issue is concerned, I feel the Obama administration is making a mistake. China and South Korea are using "Yasukuni" as a diplomatic tool, knowing fully well how merely evoking the word makes the Japanese panic-stricken The Asia experts in the Obama administration are surely aware of that.

If they should be unaware by any chance, the United States could have at least done Japan a favor as an ally by issuing a statement expressing its "disappointment" at the preposterous action taken recently by China and South Korea of constructing a museum commemorating the assassin An Jung-geun at Harbin Station, the very site where he attacked Ito Hirobumi, ex-Prime Minister of Japan and first Resident-General of Korea.

In contrast to the "Strong Japan" advocated by Prime Minister Abe today, creating a "Weak Japan" was the goal of the General Headquarters of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers. Major General Courtney Whitney and Charles Kades served as the Chief and Deputy Chief of the GHQ's Government Section, respectively, and were key figures in the establishment of the Japanese Constitution. In the United States, there have always been those individuals who would spring at every opportunity to contain Japan under occupational conditions, without even verifying what Japan has done since regaining independence.

To give a single example, consider the New York Times. Every time it comes across specific words such as "Yasukuni shrine," "Shinto" or "the Emperor," it is quick to associate them with the frightening notion of "nationalism." How is it that a respectable newspaper that has been a bastion of freedom of speech and journalism has repeatedly turned to such a stereotype as if it were a mantra? Its editorial on Prime Minister Abe's visit to the Yasukuni Shrine was, predictably, "Japan's Dangerous Nationalism." The paper seems convinced that while nationalism when displayed by Japan's neighboring countries is safe, Japan alone requires extra caution.

Perhaps there is no connection between President Obama and this particular newspaper. However, the statement expressing "disappointment" had a similar ring to it. In Japan these days, people who have traditionally held anti-U.S. sentiments are carrying the day, while as a pro-U.S. conservative I frown in private.

In an international community gripped by turbulence, will the Obama administration embrace a "Strong Japan," or opt for a "Weak Japan"? I have no doubt that those wise Americans who have valued the Japan-U.S. alliance will understand my message.

Tadae Takubo is Professor Emeritus at Kyorin University. The article was first published on February 4 in the “Seiron (straight talk)” section of the Sankei Shimbun newspaper.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

田久保 忠衛 / 杏林大学名誉教授

2014年 3月 11日
長年にわたり「親米保守派」のレッテルを貼られてきたせいか、オバマ政権の一挙手一投足にはいささか神経過敏になっているのかもしれない。世界的に指導力が衰えてきた様子を、米紙ニューヨーク・タイムズは「米国の不在」(Absent US)と表現し、ウォールストリート・ジャーナルは「米国の退却」(US Retreat)と手厳しい。


















(筆者は杏林大学名誉教授。本稿は2014年2月4日付産経新聞 正論に掲載された。)
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English Speaking Union of Japan > Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW) > Dear Mr. Obama – The Laments of a Pro-U.S. Conservative