Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

Japan's Road to a Mega Tourist Destination
NISHIKAWA Megumi / Journalist

March 25, 2014
Last fall, some friends from France visited Japan for the first time. The couple – a lawyer and his wife – spent a week touring Kyoto, Osaka, Setouchi and Tokyo. I invited them for dinner in Tokyo and asked them about their impressions on the positive and negative aspects of Japan.

While I wasn't surprised to hear them mention cleanliness, hospitality and politeness as some of the positive aspects, I found it interesting that they also pointed out the "Japanese penchant for appreciating nature." The well-to-do couple had tried to reserve a first-class hotel in Kyoto, only to find the rooms were all booked. According to their guide, this was because of the autumn foliage season. "We discovered that the Japanese actually travel just to admire the autumn colors," they said. Come to think about it, the French do not have the habit of mobilizing en masse in spring or fall to appreciate natural beauty.

As for the negative aspects, they cited the difficulty of finding the right address. With address in hand, the couple had apparently gotten close to the Japanese restaurant they had in mind but could not find the exact location. Passersby were no help, either. In the end, they had to call the restaurant to come fetch them. Indeed, unlike the United States or Europe, where street addresses are inscribed on street signs, it is no easy feat for a foreigner to arrive at the right location in Japan based only on the area name and street address.

The couple also noticed that the Japanese avert their gaze to avoid eye contact, where it would be normal in Europe to smile at each other. "At first, we thought we must have done something offensive," they said. When I explained that the Japanese feel it is impolite to look directly into another's eyes, they were surprised by how cultures could differ even among Asians, because while they were in Shanghai the Chinese had returned their gaze with a smile.

We have entered an era of global mega-tourism, in which countries compete fiercely for tourists. As a broad-based industry, tourism has a substantial ripple effect on the economy, and each country is doing its best to attract tourists.

Last year, Japan received 10.36 million foreign visitors, the greatest number yet. However, 10 million is far too few for a country with the world's third largest economy. While France may be in a class of its own with 82 million visitors - amounting to 1.3 times its population, Japan ranks far below countries such as the U.K. and Germany, which enjoy 30 million visitors each. It even takes second billing to South Korea, which has less than half of Japan's population yet enjoys 12.18 million foreign visitors.

Why has Japan lagged so far behind in its government policy on tourism? For one, tourism involves all government agencies, and dynamic policy is only possible when strategies are formulated and pursued in a cross-sectional manner that transcends organizational divisions. Japan's vertically-segmented administrative system has not allowed for flexible collaboration.

Japan has also been lacking in the idea of developing tourism as a pillar of industry. Although it relaxed visa requirements for nationals of some Asian countries, much more work must be done to ease travel by foreigners. For example, Japan could create an enticing system for young people on low budgets who love to travel, offering them bargain deals on railway transport, lodging and entry into museums, etc.

Furthermore, Japan has sat complacently atop its wealth of tourist assets for too long. Atout France, a semi-private agency for promoting tourism, has overseas offices in 35 locations around the world. These outposts regularly collect advice on "what France should do to make people want to visit France" and on "shortfalls in French tourism policy" from a panel of advisors made up of journalists, travel companies and experts in each country, and provide feedback to their headquarters in Paris. Such is the ongoing effort that has rewarded France with 80 million visitors. However numerous a country's tourism assets may be, without an active effort people may come once but never become repeat visitors.

Whether Japan can attain its goal of attracting 20 million visitors by 2020 depends entirely on whether it has the will to overcome its shortcomings.

Megumi Nishikawa is Expert Senior Writer on the Foreign News Desk at the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

西川 恵 / ジャーナリスト  

2014年 3月 25日








 さらに日本は豊かな観光資源を抱えながら、その上にあぐらをかいてきた。フランスの半官半民の観光推進機関の仏観光開発機構(Atout France)は世界35カ所に在外事務所をもち、その国のジャーナリスト、旅行業者、識者に諮問委員になってもらい、「フランスに行きたいと思わせるためにフランスがすべきこと」「フランスの観光政策で足りない点」などを定期的に提言してもらい、本部に上げている。この努力があっての8000万人なのである。いくら観光資源を持っていても、あぐらをかいていては1回は来てもリピートはない。


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English Speaking Union of Japan > Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW) > Japan's Road to a Mega Tourist Destination