Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

The Trump Phenomenon: Inward-looking Drive in America
WATANABE Yasushi / Professor, Keio University

March 22, 2016
What is happening to the Republican Party that has embodied American conservatism?

 If you look back on the basic trends of American party politics, the age of Democratic dominance lasted from the 1930s through the New Deal under Franklin Delano Roosevelt. In the 1960s, those Republicans who were alarmed at the prospect of continuing Democratic dominance rallied behind Barry Goldwater to hammer out the main features of a conservative platform. These movements bore fruit in the "Conservative Revolution" under Ronald Reagan who was elected President in 1980. Thus the identity of a conservative party based on the ideas of small government and free trade was established.

However, Donald Trump, who is the frontrunner in the race for the Republican presidential nomination, is seen in his pronouncements to be wildly at variance with the stances taken by the Republican Party, espousing social security policies suggestive of big government and opposing free trade. He achieved further victories in the primaries held on March 15th, making significant advances toward winning the Republican nomination. This raises the question of what kind of identity the Republican Party may choose for itself in the coming months and years. Would it call itself a "populist party" instead of a conservative party? This is a perspective highly relevant to how we in Japan may think about Japanese party politics.

Amidst the tide of globalization, there has been in the world a decrease in the number of the absolutely poor, and a rise of the middle class, i.e. people of middle income, in the emerging countries. On the other hand, the middle class has been shrinking in the advanced countries. The Unites States is no exception. In 1971, the middle class was 1.6 times larger than the combined total of the upper and lower classes. By 2015, the middle class has decreased to less than half of the total population.
When Alexis de Tocqueville of France visited the United States in the 19th century, he was surprised to see the solid presence of the middle class and their active role in moving the country forward. That was no doubt the great hallmark of the United States as a nation and a source of its pride.

As the middle class shrinks, the society as a whole becomes less able to accommodate diverse values. Tolerance wears thin, and the tendency to attack immigrants and certain religions or to direct one's wrath against the weak gains strength. In terms of external policies, people become inward looking and more isolationistic.

The anger of the fallen middle class resonates with populist appeals. This is precisely what Donald Trump is taking advantage of. This has arisen inevitably from the structural problems of the American society today. Donald Trump may not be elected President in the general election. He may not even become the Republican nominee for the presidency. But there may well be similar candidates and similar phenomena in the future.

What will happen to Japan-U.S. relations? Thus far, the U.S. policy toward Japan has been managed on the basis of a supra-partisan consensus as exemplified by the Armitage-Nye Report by Rich Armitage, former Deputy Secretary of State under the Republican administration, and Professor Joseph Nye of Harvard, former Assistant Secretary of Defense under the Democratic Clinton administration. When faced with the onslaught of populist pressures, to what extent would it be possible to garner a consensus?

Donald Trump keeps saying that Japan is engaged in unfair trade or that Japan is freeriding on the U.S. for its security. Though one may be tempted to dismiss them as unwarranted criticisms based on ignorance, the impact of such statements being repeated time and again to tens of millions of Americans cannot be disregarded. It may create a different dynamics from the one familiar to the limited circle of people who have been managing Japan-U.S. relations up to now. We may be up against challenges of entirely new dimensions.

The Unites States has been trying in recent years to cease to be the world's policeman. Donald Trump is propelling the U.S. in that direction. As interdependence among countries deepens and, at the same time, it becomes increasing difficult for the U.S. alone to solve the world's problems, it may, in a way, be a rational and desirable course to be followed.

For Japan, the era is approaching when it cannot just rely on "the policeman". Nor would it make sense to keep criticizing the U.S. as "the source of all evils". As the United States changes its self-perception, Japan, too, should rethink and update its perception of the United States and of the world.

Yasushi Watanabe is Professor of Keio University. This article is a summary of the interview published in the Asahi Shimbun of 18 March 2016.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

渡辺靖 / 慶應義塾大学教授

2016年 3月 22日











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English Speaking Union of Japan > Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW) > The Trump Phenomenon: Inward-looking Drive in America