Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

Japanese Aid to China in ASEAN-Japan-China Context
ARAKI Mitsuya / Chief Editor, the International Development Journal magazine

January 9, 2003
In my view Japan's Official Development Assistance to China should be focused on the following two points. One, to assist in the preservation of China's natural environment, and two, to assist in reducing poverty in the inland regions, where as many as 100 million are said to be living on a dollar a day.

Japanese aid concerning the first point is shifting from its past focus on responding to environmental issues that accompanied industrial modernization, to dealing instead with the destruction of the ecosystem, which China itself considers a priority issue. While there is widespread national consensus in Japan regarding environmental assistance to China, the second point is potentially contentious. A typical objection is that "China now boasts the second largest foreign reserves after Japan and continues to show high economic growth, and should therefore take on the responsibility of resolving its own problem of inland poverty," and this has prevented the formation of a full national consensus.

My opinion is that firstly, Japan should endeavor to relieve poverty to proudly demonstrate the humanitarian stance of the Japanese people to the world. And secondly, that Japan should take the initiative in extending a helping hand to the poor to appeal the importance of respecting human beings and human rights to the Chinese government.

Let us turn next to Japan's course of action by placing China within an Asian context and adopting a perspective that encompasses the entire region. Emboldened by its economic success, China has lately begun pursuing multilateral diplomacy. This is not limited to its strategy vis-a-vis Taiwan, but is increasingly taking on the significance of a global strategy.

The foremost priority for Chinese diplomacy is to establish a solid foothold in ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations). In particular, its diplomatic offensive is being targeted at the Indochina Peninsula – Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar, which share borders with China and are considered to be the weakest link in the drive towards an ASEAN economic union – in the shape of development aid. Most recently, China has taken a politically effective step of forgiving large-scale debt extended to Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar, in an obvious demonstration of its national prowess.

Japan meanwhile has been lending support to the construction of economic and social infrastructure in ASEAN countries in an anticipatory investment under its 'Asia First' policy, beginning with the post-World War II reparations of the 1950s. It also extended economic assistance amounting to $72 billion at the time of the Asian economic crisis of the 1990s, which was a gesture symbolic of the unification of the Japanese and Asian economies.

If China's ASEAN offensive is left to run its course, it may gain the lion's share of the accomplishments of anticipatory economic assistance provided to the region by Japan over the past five decades. The Japanese government must lose no time in promoting a diplomatic strategy that is not sporadic, centered on development strategy that takes the ASEAN region – and especially the Indochina Peninsula - into consideration.

Japan must not leave ASEAN under China's mono-polar sphere of influence. At issue is how best to place ASEAN under multi-polar influence, and Japan should make an utmost effort for building a structure of coexistence and mutual prosperity that incorporates China into ASEAN. In future, for Asia to move towards the creation of a community not for its own sake but one that contributes to the world, Japan must show its leadership. For example, this would involve extending aid to Africa, which is underdeveloped compared with Asia. Japan's ODA towards China has now entered an era that extends beyond bilateral relations, which must be pursued from a perspective that places China within Asia as a whole.

The writer is Chief Editor of the International Development Journal magazine.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

荒木 光弥 / 国際開発ジャーナル編集長

2003年 1月 9日








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English Speaking Union of Japan > Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW) > Japanese Aid to China in ASEAN-Japan-China Context