Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

The Need for a New Nuclear Doctrine
HANABUSA Masamichi  / Chairman, The English-Speaking Union of Japan

January 17, 2003
After getting its first taste of an atomic holocaust in 1945, mankind has made various efforts to avoid nuclear calamity by enforcing a stalemate based on the Mutual Assured Destruction doctrine and the international agreement against nuclear proliferation. At the beginning of the 21st century, however, several more nuclear powers have joined the five permanent members of the Security Council in possessing nuclear weapons. And we are now faced with the issue of preventing further proliferation by Iraq and North Korea. There is an urgent need for the world to develop a new nuclear doctrine which might stop further proliferation of nuclear weapons in the 21st century.

In the eyes of the Japanese who have unswervingly opted out of nuclear armament, the nuclear powers have evidently been delinquent in their duties to move towards nuclear disarmament. Despite the NPT(Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons) and pressures and obstacles that were brought about nuclear proliferation continued. In fact international rivalries were so intense and security interests of non-nuclear nations were so inadequately attended to, that it was intrinsically unrealistic to make possession of nuclear weapons by newly nuclear nations illegal.

Just as President George Bush is eager to safeguard the lives of his countrymen, so are the leaders of Israel, India, Pakistan, Iraq and North Korea.

If this tendency continues, sooner or later the world could witness an apocalyptic nuclear denouement. If human wisdom is to prevail over the devil's gift, we must make our best efforts to bolster the present regime aimed at non-proliferation. In my view the following three principles should be accepted and built into the present system.

First and foremost, we must prohibit nations possessing weapons of mass destruction from using them against non-possessing nations. Such use must be declared a crime under international law and dealt with as such.

Second, the non-nuclear nations should embrace stringent safeguard measures with full inspection of the IAEA(International Atomic Energy Agency). It will be necessary to further enhance the reliability of the IAEA's inspection capacity, including greater access to relevant intelligence, with the collective backing of the permanent members of the UN Security Council.

Third, it should be assured that non-nuclear nations are not to be placed in a disadvantageous position with regard to the peaceful use of nuclear energy.

Of course, serious difficulties exist with any of these principles. The most controversial would be the first principle of no-nuclear strike on non-nuclear nations. The US will no doubt oppose it, trying to retain the liberty to act unilaterally if need be, to prevent "undesirable" nations from developing weapons of mass-destruction.

It may also be argued that because of the first principle the threshold of conventional war may be lowered, and that so-called "rogue" states may stand to gain. Even countries like Japan may hesitate to accept it for fear its security may be weakened if the credibility of the American nuclear umbrella comes under so much constraint.

In the meantime, the latest developments in American destructive power using high-tech weapons are indeed formidable; after what we saw in the Gulf War and the war against Taliban forces in Afghanistan, the threshold for loner "rogue" states to embark on aggression seems to have been raised to prohibitive levels.

Regarding possible Japanese concern as mentioned above, if non-nuclear nations are able to build up their non-nuclear defensive capability by the introduction of these hi-tech weapons, they may be able to overcome the danger of becoming too dependent on or too subservient to their nuclear protectors.

I am convinced that the adoption of this new nuclear doctrine will help solve the so-called X'th nuclear nation issue. Given sufficient assurances, more nations could accept the wisdom of staying non-nuclear. If handled with prudence and tact, the new doctrine may open the window for a peaceful settlement with North Korea. At the moment the whole world stands at the crossroads between further nuclear proliferation or a unilateral pax americana. For Japan neither course is desirable.

In north-east Asia, in particular, Japan could not stand idle in the face of the nuclear ambitions of North Korea or a United Korea. Under such circumstances, future generations of Japanese may feel obliged to go nuclear, too. I believe that if the new doctrine is universally accepted, in the long run, it would be far wiser and less riskier for Japan - a densely populated country - to enhance its defensive capability through conventional weapons while not causing alarm among its neighbors, than to possess nuclear weapons.

The writer is Chairman of the English-Speaking Union of Japan.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

英 正道  / 日本英語交流連盟会長

2003年 1月 17日













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English Speaking Union of Japan > Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW) > The Need for a New Nuclear Doctrine