Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

Iran's Nuclear Development and Its Impact on Japan
MAGOSAKI Ukeru / Former Ambassador to Iran

February 14, 2006
Iran's nuclear development has become a hot-button issue involving economic sanctions and possibly military action against Iran. Factors contributing to the growing tension are:
・ Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's hard-line statements including the reference to nuclear development.
・ The steps that the Iranian government has actually taken towards nuclearization.
・ The negotiations between Iran and Great Britain, France, and Germany have not only made little progress, but now have nearly collapsed.
・ The discussions and possible sanctions by the UN Security Council seem to proceed as the order of the day.

Among the above items, the most important one is the Iranian President's statements like "Iran will not by any means forfeit its right to have access to peaceful nuclear technology" that came with the breaking of the seals on its uranium enrichment-related facilities. In addition, his statements regarding Israel included, "Israel must be 'wiped off the map,'" "the Holocaust was a myth," and "if European countries claim that they have killed Jews in World War II....why don't they provide the Zionist regime with a piece of Europe."

The United States, having no diplomatic relations with Iran at present, has dealt severely with these pronouncements and appears to be even considering military action. In the meantime, European countries have maintained an on-going dialogue with Iran recognizing that they could not afford a strained relationship with Iran as it would surely exert adverse effects too grave for them to ignore. However, Iranian President's hard-line statements made it difficult for the German and French governments to support Iran vis-a-vis their domestic opinions. Besides, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is in the mood to patch up Germany's rather poor relations with America.

Why then is the Iranian President reiterating such hard-line statements? He must not have been serious when he said "Israel must be 'wiped off the map,'" or "why don't European countries provide the Zionist regime with a piece of Europe." His intended audience was the Iranian people. Although Ahmadinejad won in the presidential elections in June 2005 with the support of 61 percent of voters, he is having a hard time securing political control of the country and is rapidly losing popular support. Thus, he intends to raise his approval rating by heightening tensions and intensifying the conflict with the West. Iran after all survived the Iraq-Iran war in the 80s, when it suffered devastating bombardments and more than 200,000 casualties. A possible American attack, he may be calculating, would not surpass this degree of damage.

The present tension-packed situation, however, has not been brought about by the nuclear questions alone. It encompasses a larger fundamental question of how the West should engage with the current Iranian regime.

Since the 9.11 incident, the United States has taken a position that war against terrorism is most important problem in international politics and that the democratization of the Middle East should be advanced with all the US's might, even by force if necessary, because as long as there exists a religiously strong Islamic regime in the region, terrorism could not be exterminated. This democratization scheme, among others, naturally includes Iran. It is also related to Iran's nuclear development. Even though they insist at present that the nuclear development is for peaceful purposes, it should not be allowed as long as there are possibilities of military use in the future. That is the policy of the American government.

On the other hand, with oil production nearing its peak and domestic energy consumption increasing, Iran has ample motivation for peaceful nuclear power development. But the United States will not allow the development of general nuclear technology no matter how they might emphasize "peaceful purposes" as it could be used for other purposes. These contentious differences lie behind the problem of Iran's nuclear development that has arisen so suddenly.

Allow me to attempt to forecast the future development of this issue and its probable impact on Japan. At the present time, a tug of war is taking place between the United States and European countries, on one hand, and China and Russia, on the other, as Iran's nuclear development is debated at the UN Security Council. The former want to discuss the matter leading to sanctions, while the latter intend to block it. Under these circumstances, if a UN resolution is adopted, or economic sanctions are decided upon by a group of "like-minded" nations, Japan's participation will be expected. Furthermore, Japan's petroleum development project in Iran will come under fire in the US, while stronger pressures will certainly be brought to bear on Japan to halt Japan's fuel recycle program using plutonium.

How to advance international nuclear power development? How to construct economic relations with a "hostile" Iran? And how to deal with the Iranian regime? Those are the questions Japan must face with clear-cut answers.

In my personal opinion, Iran should be permitted to develop nuclear energy for peaceful use and Japan should seek, on the assumption of the viability of the present regime chosen by democratic means by the people of Iran, new policies that would not condemn Iran to international isolation.

The writer is Professor at the Defense Academy and former Ambassador to Iran.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

孫崎 享 / 元駐イラン大使

2006年 2月 14日
・ 国連安保理での協議、制裁が日程に上ってくる。










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English Speaking Union of Japan > Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW) > Iran's Nuclear Development and Its Impact on Japan