Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

Creating more common values-Overcoming the difference of values in the dynamic system
ONO Goro / Emeritus Professor, Saitama University

February 13, 2015
Many argue that the main cause for the recent spread of instability from the Islamic world to East Asia, Ukraine and elsewhere is the competition for power between the United States, which no longer has the dynamism it had as the only hegemonic power in the post-Cold War world, and the newly emerging nations.

This may be based on a misconception about globalization. Globalization does not mean that the wave of Westernization - or Euro-American supremacy - since the Age of Discovery has swept through the world. What it means is that many different sovereign states, nations, cultures, religions as well as diverse values that may have been disregarded in the past exist in today's world and that there has to be mutual recognition among them.

Amidst all this, if you fail to detach yourself from your ingrained Western values and try to force these values on others, you may not succeed. Such an approach is unlikely to succeed, for example, in the case of a conflict that is totally unlike the conflicts you have had in the past with forces from different social/political systems or stages of development, While it may be possible to resolve by force conflicts arising from symmetrical positions, it is well nigh impossible to put down by force conflicts arising from asymmetrical positions such as between parties espousing different value systems or between a superpower and a terrorist group.

 Mankind has untiringly pursued progress and sought to expand new frontiers. The "aspiration for progress" is the source of human dignity, and there is nothing "bad" in it. However, the "progress" or "expansion" sought by the West has tended to be quantitative in nature, emphasizing the spatial, physical and economic dimensions. For the United States, which, as the ethnic "melting pot", had to preserve its unity while embracing diverse values, the solution for stability lay in an expanding equilibrium, and the monetary value served as the common value. When the United States came to lead the world, not only the United States but also the world as a whole fell into the trap of seeking an ever-expanding equilibrium and cherishing the monetary value. However, quantitative gains are finite in nature, and conflicts are bound to arise when everyone vies for these gains. Such conflicts used to be suppressed by force. In recent years, economic might has been used to overpower the opponent. But people are beginning to realize that such approaches would lead only to fratricide.

 Our experiences so far tell us that the system of democracy and market economy led by the West is superior to other systems. However, we should not overlook the fatal weakness lurking in this system whereby the stakeholders hold the power to decide. Both democracy and market economy are based on competitive principles and require pre-determined rules for competition. Such rules should be set not by the stakeholders but by an impartial and wise third party. Otherwise, we would end up having a despotic system, and would suffer from the worst consequences as we have in the past, such as mob rule degenerating into totalitarianism or a bubble economy bursting and leading to a great depression.

 In any event, the Western-originated system that has led the world since the modern age is now up against a wall. At the same time, it would not be possible to negate totally the very system that is leading today's world; that could lead to Armageddon and the extinction of mankind. It makes no sense either to seek a definitive world standard; it is only illusory. What we need here is a Copernican Revolution.

 This what I have long advocated as "overcoming the difference of values in the dynamic system". If we did that, Japanese would no longer have to continue following the West, as they have done since it ended its Isolation of more than two centuries and opened the country to the world just before the Meiji Restoration in 1868. Nor would they hanker nostalgically after the pre-Isolation past. They would take advantage of their own hybrid of successful modernization by introducing Western concepts and systems and non-Western cultures retained internally. In fact, they can utilize their unique national experience from time immemorial whereby Eastern, Western, Northern and Southern cultures intersected to produce a unique mix. They thus have a historic mission to analyze objectively the merits and demerits of the diverse concepts and systems scattered around the globe and glean from them a direction for future development.

If you peruse Japan's modern history, you will find the reality that such "good" causes from the viewpoint of modern Western democracies as "prohibition of child labor" and "women's advancement in society" could have brought grim consequences; in pre-WWII Japan, where there were families that could not survive if their children did not work, it would have meant death to deny work to children. Blindly driving women to join the workforce could replicate the sad story of sweatshops where factory girls were mercilessly exploited in pre-WWII Japan. If you think along these lines, you will find a way forward in aiming in the very long run to build a society where people can survive without children working and human dignity will not be impaired because of differences in gender, and, in the meantime, doing their level best to improve the working environment and conditions for women and children.

Lastly, Japan is yet to free itself of the negative baggage it has been carrying since its defeat in WWII. We need to be constantly mindful of this, instead of forgetting it, and devote ourselves genuinely to the wellbeing of humankind, if we are to make clean break of this deplorable past. Only by doing so can we regain our pride in our own wonderful history and culture.

Goro Ono is Emeritus Professor of Saitama University.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

小野 五郎 / 埼玉大学名誉教授  

2015年 2月 13日









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English Speaking Union of Japan > Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW) > Creating more common values-Overcoming the difference of values in the dynamic system