Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

Offering Japan's Expertise as a Disaster-Prone Country to the World
OKAMURA Kunio / Senior Special Advisor, Japan International Cooperation Agency

February 24, 2015
For those of us involved in development assistance, 2015 promises to be an important year. Let me point out some of the major international events that are scheduled to take place. In March the United Nation's Third World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction will be held in Sendai, Japan, to discuss global strategies on disaster risk reduction. In September the U.N. General Assembly will adopt the Post-2015 Development Agenda. It will be preceded by the International Conference on Financing for Development in July, when participants will gather in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to hammer out the funding requirements for implementing the Development Agenda. Finally, in December the COP21 (Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) will be convened in Paris, France, to finalize a new framework for global climate change that will replace the existing framework under the Kyoto Protocol.

Here, I would like to offer my comments with a particular focus on the Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction. That said, I should also point out that the goals of these events are closely interlinked. Last December I attended some of the COP20 events that took place in Lima, Peru, and was surprised by the number of events addressing climate change policy together with the issues of reducing poverty and disaster risks as inter-related themes. While climate change has a significant impact on the entire world, it is intricately linked to poverty reduction since developing countries are particularly vulnerable. Similarly, the severity of many natural disasters – with the exception of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions - has actually increased due to climate change, and this in turn has quickly led to a growing understanding of the correlation between the three issues that includes disaster risk reduction.

There has indeed been a marked increase in risks posed by natural disasters over the past thirty years, and there is even a U.N. forecast warning that by 2050 as many as 1.5 billion people will be threatened by natural disasters, double the current estimate. Today, disaster risk reduction has become a truly pressing issue of global proportions.

This will be the third World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, and Japan has played an instrumental role in both the first and second conferences, which took place in Yokohama in 1994 and in Hyogo Prefecture in 2005, respectively. This is not completely unrelated to the fact that Japan is a leading nation in disaster risk reduction and management owing to its frequent experiences with every conceivable form of natural disaster. Moreover, the World Bank and Japan are the two major aid donors in the area of disaster risk reduction, together accounting for more than half the total amount of assistance in the world. The Japanese public, which is occasionally critical of government aid in general, has been understanding towards the significance of overseas aid and the government's dedicated efforts on disaster risk reduction. There are several reasons for this: in 1960 the tsunami generated by the Great Chilean Earthquake traveled vast distances across the Pacific, causing serious damage along the Sanriku Coast; in 2011 widespread flooding in Thailand ruptured the supply chain, affecting the production of manufactured goods in Japan and elsewhere; and there is a desire among Japanese people to show their gratitude towards all the countries that offered their help at the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of March 2011.

In the upcoming conference, Japan will emphasize the following four points based on its own experience and track record in dealing with disasters.

First of all, Japan will stress the importance of proactive investment. Until now, measures for reducing disaster risks in the world – and in developing countries in particular – had been primarily focused on recovery following a disaster. However, the cost of damages wrought by disasters is on the rise around the world, creating a greater need to expand proactive investments aimed at mitigating the damage beforehand. Some institutions calculate that 1 U.S. dollar spent on such proactive investments could save 4 U.S. dollars - or 7 U.S. dollars depending on the institution – on the cost of recovering from a disaster.

Next, in allocating the human and financial resources required for implementing disaster risk reduction and management policies, central governments - and especially centralized public institutions for disaster risk reduction and management – have a crucial role to play. It is essential that such public institutions take the lead in pushing "mainstreaming" of disaster risk reduction and management towards the national policy by giving it priority status.

And since that would require raising awareness among the leaders of developing countries, it is important that we explicitly address policies for disaster risk reduction and climate change in the post-2015 Development Agenda that will be adopted in September this year. Bearing in mind that items included in the Millennium Development Goals set in 2000 were embraced by leaders of developing countries as common global goals, we should definitely add disaster risk reduction and climate change policies to the new list of common global goals.

The fourth point calls for a thorough commitment to the "Build Back Better" principle. While I have stressed the importance of proactive investment, at times it is difficult to invest sufficiently to prepare for a future disaster whose timing cannot be predicted with any precision. There is an undeniable tendency to prioritize investments that address more immediate needs. And precisely because of the difficulty of investing ahead of the event, we must take an unequivocal stand and pursue a "Build Back Better" policy once we are faced with the aftermath of an unfortunate disaster to make our societies more resilient through recovery and reconstruction, to prevent a recurrence in the vulnerability, and aim to break out of the vicious cycle of disaster and poverty towards sustainable development. In announcing its reconstruction plans following the devastation wrought by Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan), the Philippine government struck out with a clear policy of Build Back Better, declaring its intention of using the disaster as a rare opportunity to build a society that can better withstand disasters.

During last December's COP20, near the main venue admitting only participants, a separate venue was set up for the general public as a space simulating the various aspects of climate change to nurture an awareness for the need to take action, where many citizens, and children in particular, took part in an enjoyable learning experience. These citizens, along with the young volunteers who acted as guides at each exhibit, will be shaping the future policies on climate change in Peru. I sincerely hope that the conference in Sendai will result in the adoption of a worthy document that will serve as a guideline for our future, and provide an opportunity for many young people and children to learn the significance of disaster risk reduction, for they will be the leaders of the next generation.

Kunio Okamura is Senior Special Advisor of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The views expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of JICA.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

岡村 邦夫 / 国際協力機構上級審議役

2015年 2月 24日






 第4点目はBuild Back Better(よりよく作り直す)の徹底である。先に事前投資の重要性を述べたが、いつ起こるか特定できない将来の災害への投資を十分に行うことは時に難しく、当面の必要な投資を優先させがちとなることは否めない。予防投資が難しいからこそ、せめて不幸にも起きてしまった災害後の復旧・復興は、災害に強い社会を構築する(Build Back Better)という明確な方針を持って実施し、脆弱性の再現を防ぎ、災害と貧困のスパイラルからの脱却、持続的開発を目指すことが必要だ。フィリピンの台風ヨランダの復興計画で、フィリピン政府は「災害を奇貨として災害に強い社会を再構築せずに、いつ災害に強い社会を作れるのか」と明確に“Build Back Better”を方針として打ち出している。


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English Speaking Union of Japan > Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW) > Offering Japan's Expertise as a Disaster-Prone Country to the World