Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

What does Japan need to conduct its strategic public diplomacy?
NUMATA Sadaaki  / Chairman, The English-Speaking Union of Japan

March 17, 2015
Public diplomacy is now a part the policy lexicon as Japan tries to raise its profile in the world. It is about influencing public opinion abroad through interaction beyond governments, among a wide range of actors not just in the media but also business, academia, civil society, arts, culture, sport and other circles. The government's strategy, to be effective, should put its priority not so much on promoting "official" public relations, but on facilitating free exchanges of views among non-government actors, thereby fostering understanding on where Japan stands and what it thinks, making Japan's diverse charms known and shaping a better image of Japan as a whole.

Does Japan have such a strategy? Judging from the recent Nikkei/JCER symposium on strategic public diplomacy in Tokyo, we do not yet seem to have a strategy that resonates with the world. David Sanger, who reported on Japan as Tokyo Bureau Chief of the New York Times from 1988 to 1994 and has been looking at the world for the past 10 years from his vantage point as Chief Washington Correspondent, noted Japan's aversion to talking clearly about its strategic interests because of its military implications. It is not clear, for example, what Japan's strategy is regarding the key question of how to cope with the rise of China.

Michael Green of CSIS, for his part, found Japan overly worried about the public diplomacy offensives by China and the Republic of Korea especially on history-related issues, and said that it would be counter-productive to try to hit back at every single move on their part like a whack-a-mole game.

These comments by two American opinion-makers suggest some important points for us to consider.
Firstly, are we not unwittingly overestimating the effectiveness of China's soft power? CCTV, though very active, tends to be seen as a propaganda arm of the Chinese government, as compared with BBC which has consistently taken an arm's length stance toward the British government. The Confucius Institute, conceived as a means of advancing China's soft power internationally, has given rise to controversies regarding interference with academic freedom at some North American and European universities. According to the poll on the ASEAN countries' attitude toward Japan conducted in April 2014, 96% of the respondents thought that it is important to have friendly relations with Japan. When asked which country is considered as an important partner from among the 11 countries of Asia, Europe, and the United States, the respondents ranked Japan first (65%) and China second (48%). Thus we can have confidence in the effectiveness of Japan's soft power.

Secondly, it is important to realize that public diplomacy is a two-way dialogue with the people abroad. We need to be sensitive to their needs, which are different from those of the people at home. As one who has been seriously concerned about the sharp decline in the Japanese Foreign Ministry's public diplomacy budget, i.e. 30% decrease over the past 10 years, I warmly welcome the government's decision to increase it from \ 20 billion in FY 2014 to \70 billion in FY 2015.I do hope that this will be spent in such a way as to take adequately into account the interests and concerns of those to whom the messages are addressed and to facilitate exchanges among a broad range of non-government actors.

Thirdly, the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War will be a very important occasion for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to show how Japan has learned from the lessons of the past and how it intends to play an active part in building a better world for the future. In 1995, I was at the Embassy in London grappling with the outpouring of anti-Japanese sentiments stemming form the pent-up grievance of the British POWs in the lead-up to the 50th Anniversary of the VJ Day. I felt that the Statement by then Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama on that day expressing his deep remorse and heart-felt apology over Japan's past actions marked an important milestone in the process of postwar reconciliation between Japan and Britain. Given this experience, I personally hope that enough sense of balance will be shown so that the delicate edifice of reconciliation laboriously built block by block over the years will be preserved.

Strategic public diplomacy does not mean making a one-way declaration but engaging in a constructive dialogue with the people of the world with confidence, mindful of the needs of our interlocutors.

Sadaaki Numata is former ambassador to Canada and Pakistan and former Foreign Ministry Spokesman.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

沼田 貞昭  / 日本英語交流連盟会長  

2015年 3月 17日






第三に、戦後70周年記念は、安倍晋三総理にとって、日本が過去から何を学び、将来へ向けてより良い世界を築くために日本がどのように積極的役割を果たして行こうとしているかを示す極めて重要な機会となる。1995年に筆者は、在英国大使館で、VJ デー(対日戦勝)50周年記念日に向けて英国人元捕虜達の鬱積した不満に起因する反日感情噴出への対処に腐心していたが、同年8月15日の村山富市総理談話で日本の過去の行為についての痛切な反省と心からのお詫びを表明したことは、日英間の戦後和解の過程における重要な里程標となったと感じた。この経験を振り返ると、年月をかけて積み上げて来た和解のデリケートな積み木細工が維持されるようにバランス感覚が示されることを期待する。


一般社団法人 日本英語交流連盟

English Speaking Union of Japan > Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW) > What does Japan need to conduct its strategic public diplomacy?