Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

Contemplating on the Power of Culture and Art at a Time of Coronavirus Pandemic
CHINO Keiko / Journalist

February 2, 2021
Coronavirus pandemic is sweeping through the world and there is no sign of its slowing down. The pandemic has affected all areas of our lives, and the world of art is no exception with a string of cancellation of concerts and exhibitions, and closure of museums and galleries.

Deeming that culture and art can demonstrate its best precisely at this time, recently a report titled “Power of Arts vs. Coronavirus Pandemic: Praemium Imperiale laureates Speak Out” was published, featuring forty-nine of the past laureates of The Praemium Imperiale in Honour of Prince Takamatsu* and five members of its International Advisors, each commenting on the role of art and lessons learnt from the pandemic. Here are some of the quotes from the world’s leading artists.

Bridget Riley, one of the leading English painters known for her abstract painting using optical illusions, “op art”, talked about how we should face the corona virus. She commented, “We have to learn how to live with it which takes self-discipline, patience, optimism, tolerance and a little humour.”

Italian painter, Michelangelo Pistoletto, best known for his “mirror paintings”, painting figures on a mirror-finished metallic plate, contemplated on the significance of the emergence of COVID-19 to the human beings. “I hope that the impact of this crisis is going to stir up human creativity profoundly and lead it to establish a real balance between artifice and nature, so as to make this regeneration (=”Regeneration of Society”) feasible. And I hope that artists will be able to put the individual freedom that they won in the 20th century to good use in order to develop as much responsibility in an interindividual sense in the 21st and extend it to the whole of society.”

An architect, Tadao Ando commented, ”Culture is the energy of life. … I believe that, from now, artists should open their minds and hearts to these global changes and to treat them as new factors, as they express themselves through their art,” and continued, “This coronavirus pandemic has made us feel keenly that ‘the world is one’ in many ways. …. The power of the arts and culture can unite the hearts of disconnected people and let them become one. In this sense, I hope that the roles of artists will become more important in the future than they were before the pandemic.“ His words are very much reflective of his positiveness at all times.

Message of Mitsuko Uchida, a pianist, was brief yet clear. “In the Renaissance there were countless wars, plagues, atrocities, and tragedies. What do we remember? We remember great artists and writers. Long live the arts!”

Italian actress, Sophia Loren, did not lose her natural cheerfulness despite the tragic collapse of medical services she confronted in the wake of the first wave of the COVID-19. “In order not to become discouraged and to face this new situation, optimism is certainly a very powerful weapon. I am an optimist, I have always been.
…Each of us has within themselves the understanding of all the necessary values to find the solutions to our current problems…. We must never get lost, never become demoralized, never stop believing.”

Athol Fugard, South African playwright, actor, and novelist who had witnessed many people falling into economic collapse commented, “What has come out of all I have witnessed is an awareness that we have never had anything more than a hollow victory in terms of our great science and our conceit that we had conquered nature and all its forces. Nothing, of course, could be further from the truth. … We have been humbled by what we thought we had conquered. It is time, now for humility”

Last but certainly not least, let me conclude by quoting the words of Mr. Jean-Pierre Raffarin, former Prime Minister of France, who is also the International Advisor for Praemium Imperiale. “This virus is a global phenomenon, one of a kind, which, like all dramatic events men went through centuries after centuries, will be a new source of inspiration, will trigger new creations, new ways of thinking, new perspectives. Each region, each country will bring their identity, their singularity to that common movement.”

There artists are well spirited. They are full of power. It is my sincere wish that their wholehearted thoughts will serve as an encouragement, energy and also as a guiding star through this difficult time.

Chino Keiko is a freelance journalist and Guest Columnist of the Sankei Shimbun.

*The Praemium Imperiale, an international arts prize created in 1988 by the Japan Art Association, is awarded to artists in five fields: architecture, music, painting, sculpture, and theatre/film, to honor and thank the achievements of artists throughout the world.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

千野 境子 / ジャーナリスト

2021年 2月 2日





ピアニスト、内田光子のメッセージは簡潔にして明快。「ルネサンス時代には数えきれないほどの戦争、疫病、残虐行為、悲劇がありました。何を覚えていますか? 私たちは偉大な芸術家や作家を覚えています。芸術よ、永遠なれ!」






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English Speaking Union of Japan > Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW) > Contemplating on the Power of Culture and Art at a Time of Coronavirus Pandemic