Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

Why They Hate "America"
KITAMURA Fumio / Professor at Shukutoku University

February 8, 2002
Every year, I exchange year-end and New Year's greetings with numerous foreign friends. As usual, I received cards from dozens of my American friends at the end of last year. The beautiful photographs and pictures were accompanied by words that heavily reflected the dark shadow cast by the simultaneous terrorist attacks of September 11. Along with their anger towards the mindless killings and destruction, many of my friends wrote of the helplessness they felt at being unable to find an answer to the question: "How could America be the target of such hatred?" Like any average American, my friends share a sense of pride and satisfaction towards all things "American." Even so, the political and economic nerve centers of their motherland had become the target of indiscriminate terrorism by a radical foreign group. It isn't hard to imagine that the vast majority of Americans have also been left confused by the almost tragic gap in the image of America inside and outside their country.

A many-sided and complicated study would be required to explain the reasons for this gap. Putting such elaborate intellectual endeavors aside, I have been involved with America and the Middle East in both personal and professional capacities. In the Middle East, I spent seven years in Cairo and Beirut as a correspondent for a Japanese national newspaper. I have visited America on countless reporting trips. And through these experiences I have reached my own answer, which I would like to share with my sincere and generous American friends.

Based on a subjective division of being either pro-American or anti-American, I would unmistakably fall into the pro-American category. Perhaps it is more apt to say I feel indebted to America. It was the American New Dealers and their enthusiastic idealism that created the backbone of Japan's post-war democracy. Despite the devastation brought about by the flames of war, I felt gratified that Japan's defeat enabled me to see a distant light of hope amid the miseries of daily life. I 'embraced defeat,' to borrow from the title of a Pulitzer Prize-winning book by Professor John Dower of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who I respect.

I can also easily understand the pride with which Americans see their country's system and principles of action. America's founding principles of freedom of the individual and equal opportunity offered much hope for the immigrants who had escaped persecution and poverty. The story of the life and success of such children of immigrants as Leonard Bernstein and Henry Kissinger stand as brilliant proof to America's greatness. In everyday conversation, Americans often quote their Constitution - the First Amendment which declares the freedom of expression, for example - which is a sign of their confidence and pride in the American system.

This could explain why Americans are firmly convinced that spreading "American" things to all the regions of the world would bring progress and happiness. Perhaps unconsciously, Americans take upon themselves a "Sense of Mission." And because of this strong self-confidence, the events of September 11 have thrown many Americans into a state of shock and disorientation. However, in stark contrast to how Americans feel, "America" holds a very different meaning for the poor people who comprise the vast majority in Middle East countries. Herein lies an important factor that alienates Americans from the people of the Middle East.

Individual creativity and free competition are the engines of progress, according to American principles, and this requires that equal opportunity be guaranteed. But in the Middle East, this starting point of democracy has not yet been guaranteed. Under such circumstances, directly importing the principle of free competition would lead to an unbridled expansion in the gap between rich and poor, inflating the discontent of people who are destined to be the losers. Furthermore, the wave of globalization in the market economy that covers our world today is rapidly reducing the power to limit and control that were traditionally held by the nation state, giving way to a "Erosion of the State" phenomenon whereby the principle of free competition inflicts a direct hit on poor people across all borders. Thus anything with an "American" hallmark has become the visible symbol of the contradiction inherent in the tide of globalization. Luxurious villas, flashy oversized cars, expensive branded products and exclusive restaurants are evidence of injustice and inequality in the eyes of the poor and neglected people.

Added to this is their memory that throughout the Cold War period, under a diplomatic policy based on the viewpoint of containing the Soviet Union, America had lent a hand to dictatorial governments in developing countries and had provided constant support to Israel in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. America, by acting as the guardian for hated oppressive regimes, had been regarded with distrust and resentment by the people of the Middle East.

America is unquestionably the only superpower in the present world. And for this reason, people suffering from poverty and angered by injustice have their hopeful gaze fixed on each and every move made by America, to an extent that far exceeds the imagination of the Americans themselves. I would like my friends in America to realize that a great and special country attracts commensurate expectation from others.

The writer is Professor at Shukutoku University. He previously served as the Yomiuri Shimbun's London Bureau Chief and Senior Editor.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

北村 文夫 / 淑徳大学教授

2002年 2月 8日




だからアメリカ人は、世界各地域に「アメリカ的なもの」を広げることが、進歩と幸福をもたらすと信じ切るのだろう。アメリカ人は多分無意識のうちに、こうした「使命感Sense of Mission」を自らに課しているようだ。この自負心が強いだけに、9月11日は多くのアメリカ人を呆然自失の状態に陥れたのだろう。だがアメリカ人の気持ちとは対照的に、中東諸国で圧倒的多数を占める貧しい民にとっては「アメリカ的なもの」はまるで異なった意味を持っている。ここにアメリカ人と中東の人々を引き裂く重要な要素がひそんでいる。




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