Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

Japanese Reaction to the Terrorist Attacks on America and the War in Afghanistan
KATO Junpei / Professor at Tokiwa University

February 22, 2002
Following the simultaneous terrorist attacks on America last September 11, the Japanese government adopted an unequivocal stance. It criticized terrorism and offered backing and cooperated with U.S. military action against the Taliban government in Afghanistan, which had provided safe haven for terrorists. While the Japanese people tacitly acknowledged this government position - thinking that cooperation with America, an ally, was inevitable - by no means were they enthusiastic in their support.

Then how did the majority of Japanese people react to the terrorist acts and the subsequent war in Afghanistan? Although I did my best to understand this through my personal contacts, for example by conducting an extensive survey of opinion from my students, my observations are naturally limited in scope. However, by supplementing this with what I gathered from the discussions, articles and opinion polls published by newspapers and magazines, I will venture to offer an idea of the general reaction among most Japanese people.

The overwhelming reaction in the immediate aftermath of the terrorist attacks was fear of terrorism and sympathy for the victims. Newspapers and television provided detailed reports on the actions of the rescue workers and the despair of the victims' families. But the feeling of anger against terrorism and its perpetrators was not as strong as in Europe and America. While that is not to say that there weren't any fiercely critical views against terrorism and the terrorists, it seems to me that they remained a minority, comprising perhaps 10% or at most 15% of the whole.

The absolute majority was dumbfounded by the staggering violence wrought by terrorism, felt frightened and sorry for the victims. Meanwhile, there was a strong sense of incongruity and horror, rather than anger, towards the "Islamic fundamentalists" who were the perpetrators of such acts. And while they were a minority, some of those who felt fear also expressed alarm at the possibility of Japan becoming a target.

On the other hand, there is no denying that a considerable number of Japanese sympathized with the terrorist attack and felt it to be "instructive" for the arrogant Americans, though this will never surface, and many of those who felt that way wouldn't express their honest opinions in the polls, feeling guilty for entertaining such thoughts.

The U.S. bombings of Afghanistan and its subsequent military actions were actively supported by only a minority of the Japanese people, while the majority was either passively opposed or critical. Television programs highlighted scenes showing Afghan citizens rejoicing at their liberation from Taliban rule, and newspapers carried commentaries likening the terrorists to cult followers, thus tacitly inducing viewers and readers to support the United States, although criticism against the Afghanistan War was conspicuous in the editorials. Nonetheless, to this day a vague feeling of uneasiness continues to exist among many Japanese concerning the actions taken by the United States.

A significant difference has existed between Asians and Europeans in their reaction to the terrorist incident and U.S. military action. Europeans have on the whole been critical of terrorism and supportive of the United States, while - governments aside - the general public in Asia has not been antipathetic toward the terrorist acts and has been critical of the United States. Seen in this context, Japan could be described as being divided into two: those who sympathized with Europe and the United States - governments, journalists and intellectuals; and others who reacted the 'Asian' way. And that, precisely, is a genuine reflection of Japan's position in the world today.

The writer is a Professor of international relations at Tokiwa University. He is a former Ambassador to Belgium and a former Executive Director of the Japan Foundation.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

加藤 淳平  / 常磐大学教授

2002年 2月 22日







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English Speaking Union of Japan > Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW) > Japanese Reaction to the Terrorist Attacks on America and the War in Afghanistan